Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/16

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Amateur, An. W. Paterson, Scenery and antiquities of Mid-Lothian, drawn and etclied by . . . Edinb. 1819.

Amateur, An. William Cawdell. A short account of the English concertina ... By . . . L. 1865.

Amateur, Au. Thomas Gaffield. Something new under the sun. Leaf and fern pictures. By ... B. 1869.

Amateur, An. Rev. Thomas Kilby. Waliefield and its adjacent scenery, by . . . 1843.

Amateur Angler, An. Edward Marston. An A, A.'s days in Dovedale. L. 188-.

Amgricain, Un. Bourgeois, de la

Rochelle. Colomb ; ou, I'Amerique de- couverte : poeme en vingt-quatre chants. Paris, 1773.

Americain, Un. De La Chaise.

Lettre d' . . . aux citoyens franfais sur la representation. 1789.

Americain, Un. De La Croix,

Me'moires d' . . . with a description de la Prusse et de I'isle Saint-Dominique, par . . . Lausanne, 1771.

Americain, Un. J. James Fazy. Let- tres d' . . . sur la situation continentale de la France. Imp. dans le " Mercure duXIX" Sie'cle."

Amferieain, Un. Lawrence Labadie. La France, I'ltalie, et I'Europe, impres- sions d' . . . Bordeaux, 1859.

Americain, Un. Antoine lifaillet- Diiclairon. Observations d' . . . des lies neutres au sujet de la negociation de la France et de I'Angleterre. Geneve, 1761.

Americain, Ancien Membre du Congres, Un. Fisher Ames. De I'influ- ence de la de'mocratie sur la liberte' et le bonheur de la societe, par . . . Prece'dfe (sic) d'une introduc' par Henri Ewbank, trad, de I'angl. par M. H . . . J . . . [H. de Janvry]. Paris, 1835.

Americain, Residant d Vienne, Un. P. L. Rcederer. Notes exactes sur La Fayette et ses compagnons d'infortune,

. Imp. dans le "Journal d'econ-

omie politique," dirig^ par Eoederer 16 septembre, 1796 . . .

American, An. Cotton Mather, D.D, (1) American tears upon the ruines of the Greek churches . . . By ... B 1701. — (2) The serious Christian; or three great points of practical Christian ity . . . By . . . L. 1699.

American, Au. Thomas Greaves Cary The Americans defended by . . . L. 1844

American, An. Lewis Cass. France its king, court, and goremment. By . . N.Y. 1840.

American, An. John Lloyd Stephens.

Incidents of travel in Egypt, etc. By . . . N.Y. 1838.

American, An. William Bingham. A letter from ... in London on the re- straining proclamation. L. 1784.

American, An. Robert Baird, D.D. A letter to Lord Brougham, on the sub- ject of American slavery. By . . L. 1836. ,

American, An. Grenville A. Sack- ett (?). A plea for authors, and the rights of literary property. By . . . N.Y. 1838.

American, An. Joseph Galloway. Po- litical reflections on the late colonial governments . . . By ... L. 1783.

American, An. Gideon Nye, Jr. The rationale of the American question . . . By . . . Macao, 1857.

American, An. James Fenimore Cooper. Sketches of Switzerland. P. 1836.

American, An. James Walker, D.D. Smooth preaching : being an illustration of the Rev. Dr. Wardlaw's assertion . . . By . . . Glasgow, 1825. ^

American, An. Edward Habich. : Views on slavery, by . . . B. 1855.

American, An. Samuel Low. Win- ter displayed : a poem. N.Y. 1784.

American Author, An. Richard Grant White. The American view of the copyright question. By ... In the "Broadway Annual" (N.Y.), May, 1868, pp. 656-667.

American Banker, An. Claudius Buchanan Patten. (1) England as seen by . . . B. 1885. — (2) Notes of a pedes- trian tour. B. 1885.

American Citizen, An. Wylly Woodbridge. An appeal to the Congress of the United States by . . . for truth and justice. W. 1868.

American Citizen, An. Charles Ran- dolph. The future currency of the United States ... By . . . Chicago, 1877.

American Citizen, Aa. Thomas Evans. The philantliropic results of the war in America . . . By . . . N.Y. 1863.

American Citizen, An. James Barr Walker. Philosophy of the plan of sal- vation ... By . . . N.Y. 1843.

American Fabius, The. George Washington,

American Parmer, An. George Lo- gan. Letters addressed to the yeomanry of the United States ... on funding and banking systems. By ... P. 1793.

Not by A. Hamilton.

American Farmer, An. Rufus King. Peace without dishonor, war without hope . . , By . . . L. 1807.