Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/17

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American Minister, An. E. W. Rey- nolds. Records of the Bubbleton parish ; or, papers from the experience of . . . L. 1855.

American Minister at Paris, Tlie. Lewis Oass. An historical, geographi- cal, and statistical history of Candia, or ancient Crete. By . . . Richmond, 1839.

American now resident in Liondon, An. William Bingham. Letter from . . . L. 1784.

American Resident, An. Samuel Hawkins Marshall Bjers. Switzerland. By . . . Zurich, 1875.

American Resident in Paris, An. Charles Brooks. Parisian linguist ; or, an easy method of acquiring a perfect pro- nunciation of the French language. By ... B. 1841.

American Sliipmaster, An. Capt. John Codman. Review of the report of the special committee on navigation inter- ests. By . . . W. 1870.

American Student-Girl, An. Emma Louisa Parry. Life among the Germans. B. 1887.

American Youth, An. John Wood- worth. Battle of Plattsburgh. Mont- pelier, Vt.

American, The. James Ewing Cooley. The A. in Egypt. P. 1879.

Americanus. Robert Baird, D.D. Eu- ropean letters in the " Commercial Adver- tiser " of New York City, etc.

Americanus. Thomas Cooper, M.D. Strictures addressed to James Madison on the report of W. H. Crawford, recom- mending the intermarriage of Americans with the Indian tribes. P. 1824.

Amica Religionis. Mrs. H. M. Dodge. Haselrigge. Utica, N.Y., 1827.

Amicus. Charles Wildbore. in the ■"Ladies' Diary."

Amicus Patriae. William Burt. Twelve rambles in London. By ... L. 1810.

Amicus Patriae. Rev. John Wise. A word of comfort to a melancholy •country ... B. 1721.

Amin, Hajj Mohammed. John Fred- erick Keane. Six months in Meccah . . . L. 1881.

Amor Patriae. Thomas Crowley. Letters and dissertations on various sub- jects contributed to periodicals and re- published. L. 1782.

Amphllogist, The. Robert Charles Sands. His signature in the New York " Commercial Advertiser."

Amy. Marion Pritchard. In search «f the truth. 1878.

Amyntor, Gerhard von. Dagobert von Gerhardt. Drei kiisse ; mit einer einleitung von Hans Ziegler. Stuttg. 1883.

Anchor. John Watts De Peijster. Mary Queen of Scots. N.Y. 1882. '

Ancien Bramine, Un. Robert Dods- ley. L'Economie de la vie humaine, tra- duite sur un manuscrit indien compost par . . . (trad de I'angl. de Dodsley, par De La Douespe, ministre de I'Eglise wal- lone). La Haye, 1751. Le meme oeu- vrage, sous ce titre : I'Elexir de la morale indienne, ou Economie de la vie humaine, — compose par . . . et traduit de I'anglois. Paris, 1760.

Anders, Liudwig F. Ludwiij Ferdi- nand Stolle. 1813 : historischer roiiian. Leipzig, 1858.

Angelus Silesius. Johann Sheffler. Cherubiuical wonders. L.C?) 182-.

Anglais, Un. S. Bannister. Appel en faveur d'Alger et de I'Afrique du nord. Paris, 1833.

Anglais, Un. Le comte Fre'de'ric Du- bourg Butler. Lettre d' . . . &, son retour d'un voyage en Italie. L. 1814.

Anglais, Un. William Playfair. Qu'est ce que le papier-monnaie ? Lettre d' . . . a un Franfais. 1790.

Anglais Mangeur d'Opium, Ii'. Thomas De Quincey. 1828.

Anglaise, Une. Priscilla (Bell) Wake- field. La Flore des jeunes personnes ; ou, lettres elementaires sur la botanique, ecrites par . . . h. son amie, et traduites de I'anglais (par Octave de S^gur, noye en 1819. La pre'face est de M. de Se'gur, le pere.) Paris, an IX.

Anglican IJayman, An. Edward Bellasis. (1) Convocations and synods ... A second letter by . . . L. 1850. — (2) The judicial committee of the privy council ... A letter by . . . L. 1850.

Anglican, since become a Cath- olic, An. Edward Bellasis. Anglican orders. L. 1872.

Anglipolosltl, of Lithuania. Daniel Defoe.

Anglois, Un. John Toland. Lettre d' . . . i. un HoUandois au sujet du doc- teur Sacheverell. L. 1710.

Anglus. John Warner, D.D. Statue to perpetuate the philanthropy of Mr. Howard, in " Gent. Mag.," 1786, p. 360.

Anicetus. William Adolphus Clark. Our modern Athens; or, who is first? A poem. B. 1860.

Ann Jane. Mrs. Ann Jane Morgan. (1) Alfred V['alle'r] ; or, the early grave. By . . . L. n.d. — (2) The mother's friend . . . Edited by . . . L. 1848-59.