Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/18

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Ann, Mother. Ann Lee. Sunday lecturer. 1816.

Annie and Ellen Amelia. Annie and Ellen Amelia Garrett. The seven churches, and other poems. By ... L. 1847.

Annius Anglicanus. George Steevens. Disquisition on the marmor hardicnuti- ense. " Gent. Mag." for April, 1790, p. 290.

Anonymous Author, An. Rev. John Beach. Letters to a friend. In answer to a second conference, published by . . . Kew Haven, 1766.

Letters wrUtcn by Rev. David Judson, b. 1716 in Stratford, Conn., Yale Coll. 1738; pastor at Kewtown, Conn., 1743-76; and d. there.

Anonymous Clergyman, An. Charles Owen, D.D. Plain dealing, and its vin- dication defended ... By . . . L. 1710.

Anonymus. John Disney, D.D. A short memoir of Edmund Law, D.D., Bishop of Carlisle. By William Paley, D.D. Reprinted by . . . L. 1800.

Another Cantah. Richard Gough. History of the Royston Club, in " Gent. Mag.," 1783, pp. 813, 814.

Another Hand. Thomas Walker. . . . A further account of that young gentle- woman. By... B. 1717. — See "Her Father" [Cotton Mather].

Ansted, Hope. Miss Burdett.

Tales in the " Family Herald."

Anthropos. Matthews {t). The

rights of man, (not Paine's,) but the rights in the West Indies. By ... L. 1824.

Anthropos. George Starrs. The unity of man ; or, life and death realities. A reply to Luther Lee. By . . . P. 1850.

Antl-Empiricus. John Wesley Thomas. The war of the surplice : a poem ... L. 1845.

Anti-Enthugiasticus. Charles Chaun- cy. The wonderful narrative; or, a faithful account of the French prophets. B. 1742.

Anti-Hudibraston, An. William Rhinde. The ratiad ; a serio-comic poem ... L. 1807.

Anti-Janus. Joseph von Hergenrother. Anti-Janus. Freiburg, 1870.

Anti-JIachiavel. Jeremy Bentham, in his reply to Pitt in regard to the war between Russia and Denmark.

Anti-Profanas. Rev. Martin Madan. A letter to David Garrick, Esq., occa- sioned by the intended representation of the "Mirror" at . . . Drury Lane. L. 1760.

Anti-Patriot, An. Sir John Bar- nard. The court broker : a description

of ... in a conference between Sir T. Gresham's statue . . . and its near neighbour. L. 1847.

Anti-Scot. Joseph Ritson. Letter to Mr. Pinkerton, editor of the " Scottish ballads." In the " Gent. Mag.," Novem- ber, 1784, pp. 812-14.

Antiquai-ius. John Loveday, D.D.

(1) Cursory remarks on Pennant's tour. — Nuga3 antiquae, etc. " Gent. Mag.," 1777, p. 71. Also on Mr. Pen- nant's 2d tour to Scotland. — Herring's letters. "Gent. Mag.,' 1777, p. 314.—

(2) Remarks on " Archaeologia." In " Gent. Mag.," 1776, p. 402.

Antiquary. Harrison Gray Otis. See an " Aged and Retired Citizen of Bos- ton."

Antiquary, An. Samuel Pegge, LL.D. The Forme of Cury; or, n, Roll of an- cient English cookery ... L. 1780.

Antiquary, An. Philip De La Motte. The principal historical and allusive arms, borne by families of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Collected by . . . L. 1803.

Anxious Enquirer after Truth, An. D. B. Langley. The table and the turner; or, which of the two is pos- sessed ? L. 1854.

AnOAEI ME TO TENOS. John Warner, D.D. Subscription for a juve- nilian volume. " Gent. Mag.," January, 1792, p. 3.

Apologist, The. David Huntington. Infant baptism vindicated . . . By . . . New London, Conn., 1789.

Apostle of Methodism in New Eng- land. Jesse Lee.

Apostle of Polynesia, The. Rev. John Williams.

Apostle of the Peak, The. William Bagshuw. Called so from his zeal and usefulness in the northern parts of Derby- shire.

Appeltern, Herman van. A. W. Engelen. Der Schutzgeist . . . Stuttg. 1844.

Appius. John Dennis, in Pope's " Es- say on Criticism."

Apprentice of Lincoln's Inn, An. Frederick Pollock. Leading cases done into English. By . . . L. 1876.

Aquarist. Nicholas Jeffery Andrew. Signature in the " York Courant."

Archaeologus, Joannes Didymus. John T. Pickett.

Archaeophilus, Constantius. Father Hatton. Memoirs of the reformation of England ... By . . . L. 1826.

Arehseus. Rev. John Sterling. The onyx ring. 1764.