Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/19

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Archard, Eliza. Mrs. E. A. Conner. The literary editor of the New York " World " ; now agricultural and scien- tific editor of the " Amer. Press Associa- tion" (N.Y.C.).

Architect, An. Matthew Digby Wi/att. An A.'s note-book in Spain. L. 185-.

Arcliltectus, "Verborum. William Bowi/er. What he styled himself.

Argus. Norton. A tale of Low- ell. 1849.

Aristarchus. Chauncy Lee. Let- ters from ... to Philemon, etc. New Haven, 1833.

Aristides. Estwick Evans. An ad- dress to the country. By . . . W. 1862.

Arlus the Iiibyan. Nathan C. Kouns.

Arinac. Aur/ystus Rodney Macdonough.

Armand, D. S. Edmond de Marine. Une conquete, vaudeville. [Impri- me'e (?).]

Armin, Th. Marina Witter. Das alte Mexiko und die eroberung Newspani- ens durch Ferdinand Cortez . . . Leipzig, 1865.

Ai-temas. Daniel McCalla. Remarks on the " Age of reason," 20 numbers in his published works. 1810.

Artemesia. Lady Mary Worthy Mon- tague, as satirized by Pope.

Arthalis. Laura (Preese) Steinlein. Die letzten Bluthen. Leipzig, 1851.

Artist, An. William Bowness. Rustic studies in the Westmoreland dialect, with other scraps from the sketch-book of . . . L. 1868.

Artist in India, An. Coleworthy Grant. Rural life in Bengal. Letters from ... to his sisters in England, by . . . L. 1839.

Asahel, Jonathan. Johann Caspar Lavater.

Asaph. John Dryden, in Nahum Tate's 2d part of " Absalom and Achitophel."

Ashmont. Joseph F. Perry, Jr. Dogs : their management and treatment in disease. By . . . B. 1886.

Ashton, Alfred. William Henry For- man.

Asper, J. Joseph Urban. 1830.

" Assassin." Wyndham Smith. So called from some university escapade.

Assistant Bishop of Virginia, The. William Meade. Sermon of . . . March 3, 1839 ... W. 1839.

Assistant Editor of the " Nashville Med. and Sorg. Journal," The. Paul F. Eve. Professional letter from Europe . . . 1852. By . . . Nashville, Tenn., 1853.

Associationof Physicians, An. John

Bell and D. Francis Condie. The " Jour- nal of Health." Conducted by . . . P. 1830-33.

Astley, Thomas. John Green. Col- lection of voyages and travels. L. 1745-47.

Astronomer in Charge of the Horo- logical and Thermometric Bureaus, The. Leonard Waldo. Report of the board of managers of the Winchester observatory . . . 1880-81, to which is appended the report of . . . New Haven, 1881.

Astronomical Censor of the " Athe- naeum," The. Augustus De Morgan. Tlie doctrine of the moon's rotation, consid- ered [by J. L. MacElsIiender] in a letter to . . . L. 1850.

Atheist, An. AJexunder Harris. Tes- timony to the truth ; or, the autobiogra- phy of . . . L. 1848.

Atheiilon. William Hayne Simmons.

(1) The confederacy. By . . . " Amer. Wliig Rev.," September, 1849, p. 296.—

(2) Orthographic Reform. "Amer. Vfhig Rev.," October, 1849, p. 419.

Attach^, An. Jerningham. Remi- niscences of . . . L. 1886.

Atticus. Joseph Addison, in Pope's " Epistle to Arbuthnot."

Atticus. George Faulkner, to whom Chesterfield addressed under this title a series of ironical letters.

Atticus. Rev. Richard Polwhele. Me- moir of Mrs. Jane Collins ... " Gent. 1821.

Attorney, An. Sir George Stephen. Adventures of ... in search of practice. L. 1889.

Also ascribed to Samuel Warren^

Attorney-General, The. Sir John Duke Coleridge, Baron Coleridge. Odger's reply to . . . L. 1873.

Attorney-General, The. Edmund Randolph. Report of . . . [on the judi- ciary system of the United States]. Read in the House of Representatives, Dec. 31, 1790-91.

Attorney of the Commonwealth, The. Samuel D. Parker. Report of the arguments of ... at the trials of Abner Kneeland . . . 1884. B. 1834.

Auctioneer, An. Wolley Simpson. Professional excursions, by . . . L. 1843.

Also ascribed to G. Bohina.

Auld Reikle. Edinburgh. The his- tory of Rachel, commonly called . . . Edinb. 1761.

Auld Style. Taylor, farmer in Fetter- esse. Dogger versus Bumper, n.p. 1856.

Aurelius. George Chalmers, in Dib- din's " Bibliomania."