Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/21

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tributions to the "Athenian Letters" . . . (L. 1741-43).

B. Bev. Isaac Williams. One of the contributors to " Tracts for the limes " (L.), 1840-48.

B. John Martyn.

In 1730 he projected the " Grrub-etieet Jour- nal," in conjunction with Dr. Eussell and some othera. The best papers were afterwards col- lected In two volumes (L. 1737), under the title of "Memoirs of the Society of Grub-street." Mr. Martyn's papers are distinguished by the signature " B," and Dr. Bussell's by that of " M."

B. John Beale Bordlei/. (1) Hemp. P. 1799. — (2) Sketches on rotation of crops. P. 1797.

B. Robert Williams Buchanan. Lon- don poems, in "Temple Bar," 1860- 61.

B. Eddowes Bowman. On tlie Roman governors of Syria, at the time of the birth of Christ. L. 1865.

B. William Oland Bourne, in " Recon- struction " Qs.Y.), 1862.

B. Burton. Remarks on the

names of ships in the Royal Navy. " Gent. Mag.," January, 1797, p. 26.

B., A. Mrs. Aphra Behn. A com- panion for the ladies' closets L. 1712.

B., A. A. Brasher. Raolo : a tragedy. By . . . Aberdeen, 1882.

B.,A., C. S. Alfred Bulman. Current repentance. L. 1886.

B., A. K. H. Andrew Kennedy Hutchi- son Boyd. (1) Concerning disappoint- ment and success. " Praser's JIag.," Jan- uary, 1860, p. 1. — (2) Concerning giving up and coming down. " Praser," Pebru- ary, 1860, p. 151 ; and other articles in " Praser."

B., A. 31. H. Antoine Marie Henri Boulard. (1) Conside'rations sur la pre- miere formation des langues; traduites de I'anglais de Adam Smith. Paris, 1796. — (2) De I'origine de la cremation, ou de I'usage de brCiler les corps, traduit de I'anglais deM. Jamieson. Paris, 1821. — (3) Histoire litteraire des Arabes, traduite de I'anglais de Jos. Berington. Paris, 1823. . — (4) Histoire litteraire des huit premiers siecles [etc.] de I'ere chretienne, traduite de I'anglais de J. Berington. Paris, 1814-22. — (5) Vie de Jean How- ard, ce'lebre philanthrope, traduit de I'an- glais de John Aikin. Paris, 1796.

B. B. S. A. jSIatson. An extract for every day in the year. L. 1850.

B., B. C Sir Benjamin Collins Bro- die. Psychological inquiries . . L. 1854.

B., B. F. Benjamin Frederick Browne. Notices of cider John Browne and some

of his descendants. By . . Salem, Mass., 18 — .

B., C. Charles Brooks, in the " Christ. Exam.," 1851.

B., C. Clement Biddle. Airdrie, and fugitive pieces. By . . . P. 1872.

B.,C. Charles Beau/oy . Experiments made for the purpose of ascertaining the stability of bodies floating on the surface of the water ... L. 1806.

B., C. Charles Bathurst, M.A. Lec- tures read at a mechanics' institute in the country. L. 1854.

B., C. A. Charles Astor Bristed. (1) The life and letters of Keats. " Amer. Whig Rev.," December, 1848, p. 603. — (2) Vanity fair. "Amer. Whig Rev.," October, 1848, p. 421.

B., C. B. Mrs. Katharine Isabel {Hayes Chapin) Barrows.

B., C. B. Charles Brockden Brown. (1) An address to the congress of the United States ... on foreign commerce. P. 1809. — (2) The American register ; or, general repository of history, politics, and science. P. 1807-11.— (3) Arthur Mervyn. P. 1799-180-. — (4) J. B. Linn's "Valerian"' a narrative poem, with a sketch . of the author. P. 1805.

B., C. F. Charles Frederic Bradford, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.),1857.

B., C. H. Charles Henry Brigham, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1855.

B., C. M. C. M. Burke. Biographical sketch of Cornelius Heeney. By . . . N.Y. 1875.

B., C. T. Charles Timothy Brooks, in the "Christ. Exam." (B)., XXXIII., 245, etc.

B., D. B. Daniel B. Bradley. Bangkok calendar . . . Compiled by . . Bang- kok, 1859.

B., D. D. Daniel Deioey Barnard. (1) Mr. Slidell's mission to Mexico. "Amer. Whig Rev.," April, 1847, p. 338. — (2) The war with Mexico. " Amer. AVhig Rev.," June, 1846, p. 571. — (3) The Whigs and the war. " Amer. Whig Rev.," October, 1847, p. 331.

B., E. Edgar Buckingham, in the " Christ. Exam."

B., E. Sir Edward George Earle Lytton- Bulwer, 1st Baron Lytton. (1) Charles Lamb. "London and Westminster Re- view," July, 1837, p. 229.— (2) Gray's Works. " London and Westminster Re- view," July, 1837, p. 1.

B., E. Edward Brotherton. The pres- ent state of popular education in Man- chester and Salford; the substance of seven letters reprinted from the " Man-