Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/22

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Chester Guardian." By . . . Manchester, 1864.

B.,E. B. Edward B. Bryan. (1) Cuba and the tripartite treaty. " Southern Quarterly Review," January, 1854, p. 1. — (2) Political Philosophy of South Carolina, " Southern Quarterly Review," January, 1853, p. 120 ; July, 1854, p. 37 ; and October, 1854, p. 471.

B., E. D., Madame. Madame A. L. EUe De Beaumont. Lettres au Marquis de Roselle par . . . Paris, 1764.

B., E. F. E. F. Bevan. Songs of praise for Christian pilgrims, etc. By . . . L. 1859.

B., E. G. IJ. Sir Edward George Earle Lijtton-Bulwer, 1st Baron Lytton. Woods and wild flowers. By . . . L. 187-.

B., E. Ij. Sir Edward George Earle Lijtton-Bulwer, 1st Baron Lytton. The Duchess de la ValUere : a play . . . By . . . L. 1836.

B., E. O. Mrs. E. 0. Bull. Address to mothers on the privileges of baptism. By . . . L. 1848.

B., E. S. Eaton Stannard Barrett. Tiilents run mad ; or, eighteen hundred and sixteen : a satirical poem, by . . . L. 1816.

B., E. V. Hon. Eleanor Vere (Gordon") Boyle. (1) A children's summer : eleven etchings on steel, by . . . L. 1853. — (2) Waifs and strays from n scrap-book. By . . . L. 1862.

B., E. V. E. V. Bliss. Ruth Ellis. Bv . . . N.Y. 1871.

B., E. W. Miss E. W. Barnes. What will come of it "i P. 1877.

B., F. Francis Bowen," in the " Christ. Exam."

B., F. Francis Barham. His sig- nature in the " Cornish Mag.," 1828, pp. 12, 13.

B., P. Mrs. Francis (Moore) Brooke. Authentic memoirs of the late Mrs. Yates. "Gent. Mag.,", 1787, pp. 585- 89.

B., F. Mrs. Felicia Dorothea (Browne) JJemans. The vespers of Palermo, etc. 1823.

B., F. A. P. F'ederick Augustus Porter Barnard. Electro -magnetism. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," November, 1837, p. 409.

B., G. George Baker. A catalogue of books, etc., printed ... at Strawberry Hill ... L. 1810.

B., G. George Bancroft, in the " Christ. Exam."

B., G., T. C. C. George Brinley, Trin- ity College, Cambridge, in "FrsiseT'aMa.g.,"

January, 1856, on " Men and women of Robert Browning."

B., G. W. George Ware Briggs, D.D., in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), XLIL, 466; XLIII., 435; LXllI., 411.

B., H. H. Boaz. The angler's pro- gress : a poem . . . Newcastle, 1820.

The verses were by JI. B.

B,, H. Henry Bailey. The mission- ary's daily text-book, etc. Canterbury, 1853.

B., H. E. Mrs. Helen E. Brown. The cup-bearer ... B. 1865.

B., H. I. Henry Ingersoll Bowditch. (1) Memorials of Dr. Calvin Ellis, M.D. Camb. 1884.— (2) Sketch of the life and character of Nathaniel Bowditch, LL.D. B. 1863.

B., H. J. Hazen J. Burton, in the " Christ. Exam.," XXXVIII., 169.

B., H. N. W. Mrs. Harriet Newell (Woods) Baler. (1) Honeysuckle cot- tage. B. 1870. — (2) The little Floren- tine. By . . . B. 1870.— (3) The load of chips. By . B. 1870.— (4) Lulu Reed's pupil. By . . . B. 1871.— (5) Sophia and the gypsies. By ... B. 1870. — (6) Timray Top-boots. By . . . B. 1870. — (7) Tony and his harp. By . . . B. 1870.

B., H. W. Henry Whitney Bellows, Pages from my diary. " New England Mag.," VIII., p. 432. 1835.

B., I. Isaac Bickerstaffe. A school for fathers : a comic opera ... L. 1773.

B., J. John Brazer, in the " Christ. Exam."

B., J. [John Bethel]. Bryan Wal- ler Procter. His signature in "Eraser's Mag."

B., J. John Brekell. All at stake; or, an earnest persuasive to a vigorous self-defence, etc. By . . . Liverpool, 1745.

B., J. James Baine. The case of the Reverend Mr. Thomas Gillespie re- viewed. In a letter to the Reverend Dr. W r [Webster]. Edinb. 1770.

B., J. James Burgess. Lives of the most eminent modern painters. L. 1754.

In " I. and P." ascribed to James Buchridge.

B., J. Jonathan Barrett. Reasons for ceasing to refuse the payment of all ecclesiastical demands. By . . . n.p. 1849.

B., J. Joseph Brenan. Theories of evil. "Amer. Whig Rev.," December, 1851, p. 516.

B., J. .John Charles Brooke, Esq., F.S.A. Under this signature, a frequent cor- respondent of the " Gent. Mag."