Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/320

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N. B. The bubblers rail at each other. In "Applebee's .Toumal" (L.), Sept. 30, 1721.

N Upon Trent. Character of a

wicked landlord. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), March 7, 1724.

Nelly. A story of matrimonial strat- agems. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), March 13, 1725.

Neutrality, Protestant. On Protes- tant neutrality. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), May 19, 1722.

Nicety. On screening South Sea de- linquents. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), April 1, 1721.

Oldway, Oliver. The day after the suppression of bubbles. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), June 25, 1720.

One, Two, Three, Four. An enquiry into the occasional conformity of Dis- senters in cases of preferment ... L. 1697.

Orthodox. (1) On irreligion. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), March 18, 1728.— (2) On the Hell-Fire Clubs. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), May 13, 1721.

He continued the latter subject in the Hame journal the next week, but added a new signa- ture, " Antiaatbiope."

Patience. On a female distressed for a fortune and a husband. In " Mist's Journal" (L.), Jan. 30, 1720.

Peaceable, Abel. Inhumanity of a female mob. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Dec. 12, 1724.

Peter. On the government by par- ties. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), May 11, 1723.

This he followed on May 18 with " Discordant Parties Sometimes the Safety of States": May 25, " Another Historical Example of the Same " ; June 1, " Extract from an Essay containing the Subject": June 8, "A Satirical Answer to the Essays on ' Parties.'" Only the last was signed

  • • Peter," but all were undoubtedly from his pen.

Phil-Arguros. Boggle and his band- box. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), May 21, 1720.

PhUo-Britannia, Mrs. A story of South Sea lore. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Jan. 28, 1721.

Philo-Royalist. On assassination of rulers. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Jan. 13, 1722.

This subject he had already written upon in the same journal Dec. 16, 1722, signed "Anti- cationisl," and Dec. 23,1722, signed "Anti-King- Killer."

PMlygeia. (1) On quack doctors. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Oct. 31, 1719.— (2) A description of a quack doctor. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Dec. 13, 1719.

Problematick, Jonathan. (1) On a problematic society. In "Applebee's

Journal" (L.), Aug. 26, 1721. — (2) A Roman story. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Sept. 2 and 9, 1721.

Prudential. On the plague. In "Applebee's Journal" CL.), Sept. 16, 1721.

Quarantine. On Citizens oppose pre- cautions against plague. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), July 29, 1721.

Quiet, Anthony. On Leaders of the People. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), June 17, 1720.

Quietness. On Love is an antidote to party spirit. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Aug. 13, 1720.

Quinquampoix. (1) Exposure of bubbles. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Jan. 2, 1720.— (2) On the results of stock-jobbing in France. In " Applebee's Journal" (L.), Dec. 9, 1721.

These articles were written against John Law and his financial schemes.

Quixota, Arina Donna. A female Quixote. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), March 19, 1720.

B. E. Ambition thwarted by love. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), July 2, 1720.

R. S. (1) Law the projector: a vain boaster. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Nov. 12, 1720. — (2) All disasters now attributed to the South Sea. In "Apple- bee's Journal " (L.), Jan. 14, 1721. — (3) Rallyingthe Whigs. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), Aug. 19, 1721.

Rebel. On Arbitrary government of a journal. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Nov. 21, 1719.

Regibus, Li. M. A short narrative of the life and death of John Rhinholdt, Count Patkul, a nobleman of Livonie . . . Trans By . . . L. 1717.

Richard, Anthony Tom. Queries on the approaching South Sea investiga- tion. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Nov. 26, 1720.

S. On Peter Great and his son. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Aug. 2, 1718.

S. B. On the consequence of tyranni- cal government in France. In " Apple- bee's Journal " (L.), Nov. 5, 1720.

Sadler, T. On South Sea miseries in London. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Oct. 22, 1720.

Same Friend who wrote to Thomas Bradbury, etc. A reasonable expos- tulation with, and friendly reproof unto James Butler ... By . . . L. 1715.

Se, Felo De. Against self-murder. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), May 12, 1722.

Sempronicus. Justice fishing in South Sea for great sharks. In "Apple- bee's Journal" (L.), April 8, 1721.