Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/321

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Sincerity. On the religion of a printer and bookseller. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Oct. 28, 1721.

Sing-Song, Jeffi-ey. The ballad- maker's plea. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Oct. 13, 1722.

Spanish. Upon confession of error — war with Spain. In the " Whitehall Evening Post " (L.), Nov. 29, 1718.

Sufferer, A. The Harburg lottery- bubble ; a word for Lord Barrington. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Aug. 24, 1723.

T. B. (1) On the means of restoring public credit. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Jan. 7, 1721. — (2) Against slander and reproach. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), May 27, 1721.— (.3) Essay to re- vive trade and credit. In " Applebee's Journal" (L.), Aug. 5, 1721.

T. E. In "Mist's Journal " (L.), Eeb. 13, 1720.

This article has no heading or title, but is an answer to an article, " On Preaages," etc., which Defoe himself wrote for the same journal the previous week, and signed " E. S."

T. li. (1) On the instigation of the devil. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), May 2, 1719. — (2) On the divinity of Christ. In "Mist's Journal " (L.), May 30, 1719.

Talioni's. The pillory proper for offending printers. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), Eeb. 25, 1721.

Tea-Table. A dish of tea-table scan- dal. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), March 23, 1723.

Termagant. Confession of a terma- gant wife. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Jan 23, 1725.

Theo-Philo. On the death of Toland, the infidel writer. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), March 17, 1722.

Thunder-Bolt. On the great meteor. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), April 18, 1719.

In the same journal for June 20 he wrote an- other article on "The Ball of Fire," which he signed " Meteor."

Tranquillity. The plot in favour of the Pretender. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), June 9, 1722.

Trifle, Timothy. On the value of public opinion. In " Mist's Journal " (L.), Feb. 6, 1720.

Trlnkolo, Boatswain. On Charity should begin at home. In "Mist's Jour- nal" (L.), Nov. 28, 1719.

Trustee, The. A South Sea story. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), March 4, 1721.

Turbulent, Tom. On a famine of news. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Nov. 11, 1721.

Urgentissimus. Wanted, an honest man. In "Applebee's Journal" (L.), Dec. 18, 1725.

Vale. (1) On an eclipse. In "Apple- bee's Journal" (L), May 16, 1724. — (2) Journalists, like mountebanks, pro- pose to benefit the public. In "Apple- bee's Journal " (L.), Nov. 27, 1725.

W. li. Against atheism and infidel- ity. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), May 6, 1721.

Wallnntshire. A merry story of John and Joan. In "Applebee's Jour- nal" (L.), Sept. 29, 1722.

The next number of the journal contained "The Moral of the Story of John and Joan," which was signed " John-Joan," but was written by Defoe.

Waryman, Solomon. On caution to journalists. In "Applebee's Journal " (L.), Feb. 18, 1721.

Whig, NevF. Description of an elec- tion in London. In " Applebee's Jour- nal" (L), April 14, 1722.

Witch, White. On dreams, omens, etc. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Jan. 16, 1720.

Witch'd, Woman. On a fool's con- fession. In "Mist's Journal" (L.), Jan. 23, 1720.

Young Cornish Gentleman, A. The dumb philosopher; or. Great Britain's wonder ... By . . , L. 1719.

A. B. 0. D. E. F . G. John Trenchard. An argument showing that a standing army is inconsistent with a free govern- ment, and absolutely destructive to the constitution of the English monarchy. L. 1697.

.^acus. Francis Blackburne, in the "St. .James's Chronicle " for Oct. 16, 1766, and Eeb. 23, 1771.

Antiquario, F. Felice Feliciana. Jus- ta vittoria. Novella inedita di . . . 1871.

Austin. George Townshend. Used upon several caricatures which he published in 1756.

Banished Liady, A. Eva Felinska. Revelations of Siberia. By . . . L. 1852.

Blaeliguard, The. George Colman,va the " London Packet," 1775.