Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/46

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Coinstook, Hark. P- C. Kellogg.

Conder Gray, E. Alexander H. Japp. Wise words and loving deeds. L. 188-.

Confederate Soldier, A. William Wing Lorimi {Fereic Pasha). A C. S. in Egypt. N.Y. 1S84.

Congregationallst, A. Dorus Clarke. The Congregational Almanac. By . . . B. 1S40-8.

Coniiigsby. Benjamin Disraeli. The present crisis ; or, the Itusso-Turkish war and its consequences. L. 1854.

Connoisseur, A. Henrii Merritt. Robert Dalby and his world of troubles ; being the early days of . . . L. 1865.

Conny. Burman. 1868, 1873,


Conny-catclier, Cuthbert. Bobert Greene. 1870.

Conservative Whig, A. Josiuli Quinci/. The duty of conservative Wliigs in thb present crisis. A letter to the Hon. Rufus Choate. By ... B. 1856.

Also ascribed to Henry Bromjield Rogers.

Conservative Whig, A. Thomas Wallace. Three letters ... on the pres- ent state of parties ... By . . . L. 1835.

Considerer, The. Peter Annet.

Consistent Christian, A. Samuel Bourn (1689-1754). A dialogue between a Baptist and a Cliurchman . . . Part II. by . . . 1739.

Consistent Churchman, A. Bennet Tyler, D.D. A serious call to those who are without the jiale of the Episcopal Church. By . . . n.p., n.d.

Consistent Protestant, A. Samuel Bourn (1689-1754). A dialogue between a Baptist and a Churchman; occasioned by the Baptists opening a new meeting- house . ; . at Birmingham, etc. Part I. by . . , 1737.

Consistent Protestant, A. Richard ]V,ilsoii, D.D. The state of subscription to the articles and liturgy of the Church of England toward the close of the year 1773 ... L. 1774.

Consistent Kestoratlonist, A. Adin Ballou. The touchstone, exhibiting Uni- versalism and Restorationism as they are, moral contraries. By . , . Provi- dence, 1837.

Constant Frequenter of Walker's Art fialleries, A. Edward Bimbault Vere Dilnlin. Dear reader, step up . . . and buy , . . Liverpool, n.d.

Constituent, A. Sinclair Toucei/. A C. ... to a Representative [i.e. Henry J. Raymond], n.p. 1866.

Consul, A. B. F. Farrell. Is honesty the best policy 1 Secretary Fish

removes ... for declining to allow Span- ish merchants to defraud our revenue . . . n.p. 186-.

Consul General in China, The. Geori/e F. •Sricard. The United States consulates in China. A letter . n.p. 1867.

Contented Freeman. Noah Webster, in " Connecticut Courant," 1784.

Contrastor, The. Thomas Drewitt. The force of contrast continued . . . with occasional strictures on . . . and others of Mr. Bere's opponents, etc. 1802.

Contributor, A. Erert Augustus Dui/ckiiirk. Miss Barrett's poems. "Amer. Whig Rev.," January, 1845, p. 38.

Contributor to the Atlantic, A. .fohn Townsend Trowbridge. The ferry- boy and the financier. [Biog. of S. P. Chase.] By . . . B. 1864.

Convert, A. Alexander Dick. Rea- sons for embracing the Catholic faith. By . . . Edinb. 1848.

Conveyancer, A. .John Hendrij. Stj'les of deeds and instruments in accord- ance with the titles to Land (Scotland). Acts 1858 and 1860 ... By . . . Edinb. 1861.

Cool of the Evening. Lord Elcho, now Earl of Wemyss. — See " Bo'sun, The."

Cooper, E. William Oldys. The Muse's library. L. 1841.

"Cooper Will." W. C. Carman. Rattling, roaring rhymes on Mormon Utah and her institutions. By . Chicago, 1874.

Cooper, Kev. William M., B.A. James G. Bertram. Flagellation and the flagellants. L. 1870.

The pseudonym is given as " Wm. U. " in "Hallictt & Laing " and the "Advocates' Li- brary Catalogue " ; but a copy of the work m Harvard University library has it " Wni. M."

Copmanthorpe, Allan. Bev. Richard Wheatley.

Coquina. G. 0. Shields. Rustlings in the Rockies, hunting and fishing by mountain and stream. Chicago, 1883. — See " I. and P."

Cora. Miss Annie Kearij. Oldbury. P. n.d.

Corcoran, Peter. John Hamilton Rey- nolds. The fancy. A selection from the poetical remains of . . L. 1820.

Corinne. Mrs. William H. Tucker. 1869.

Corks, John. William Makepeace Tliackeray. The froddylent butler. "Punch," February, 1849.

Cornelia. Cornelia (■?) Pelhum. Let-