Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/47

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ters on the mission to the Ojibwa Indians. B. 1839.

Cornet, A. North Ludlow Beamish. Peace campaigns of . . . L. 1829.

Cornish Genius, A. Bev. William Borlase. Old haunts and remains of . . By the Rev. S. W. Christophers, in the "London Quarterly Review," January, 1862.

Cornish Vicar, A. Eev. Percival Frije. A letter to a friend [in Hudibrastic vei-se] by . . . L. 1857.

Cornisliman, A. Thomas Pitt. The state of the proceedings of the convoca- tion . . . for the stannaries of . . . Corn- wall ... By . . . L. 1751.

Coronado, Carolina. Carolina Cor- onado Perry,

Coroner, The. Ira B. Wheeler. Pro- ceedings of . . . in the case of the steamer Lexington, lost by fire, on the 13th of January, 1840. N.Y. 1840.

Corporal, A. James Kendall Hosmer. The color guard. Being . . . 's notes of military service in the Nineteenth Army Corps. B. 1864.

Corr, Miss Mary. Charles White. Revolution beige de . . . L. 1830.

Corregio. Colonel Isaac Barr€. In the "Public Advertiser," 1770.

Corvlnus, Valerius. Thomas Black- lock. Remarks on the nature and extent of liberty . . . Edinb. 1776.

Also ascribed to Adam Ferguson, LL.D.

Cosmo. Gideon Nye, Jr. British opium policy and its results to India and China. 1874.

Cosmopolitan, A. Silas PInckney Hulbrimk. (iliiiipses of society and man- ners, China. " New England Mag.," Vol. VIII., p. 274, 1835.

Cosnios, Nabi. Tiiomas S. Palmer. A series of private notes and mems. for thinking men. Belfast, Victoria, 1879.

Cotonnet. Alfred de ihisset. Des Lettres dans la " Revue des Deux- Mondes," 1836 et 1837 . . .

Cotton, Junior. Thomas Bridges. Homer Travestie ... L. 1762.

Cotton, Sir Robert. Thomas Scot. 1732.

Coudreux, Alfred. Honore de Bal- zac, in his contributions to " La Cari- cature."

Count, Noah. William E. Oilman. His signature in 1870-71 to several hu- morous and satirical articles in verse in the Boston "Commercial Bulletin," and one which he still uses.

Countess of Cawdor, The. Elizabeth

Campbell. Short Sunday evening read- ings ... By . . . L. 1860.

Countess of Northeslc, The. Georg- ina M. C(iriiei/ie. A selection of prayers and hymns, for the use of her children. By . . . L. 1858.

Country Clergj'man, A. Pev. ]]'illiam j\Judge. AC. C.'s advice to his flock. 184-.

Country Clergyman, A. Bev. Charles Dunster. (1) Discursory considerations on the hypothesis of Dr. Macknight and others, that St. Luke's gospel was the first written. By . . . L. 1808.— (2) Dis- cursory considerations on the supposed evidence of the early fathers, that St. Matthew's gospel was the first written. By . . . L. 1806.

Country Clergyman, A. Richard Knott Bolton. Obiter: wayside verses: being meditations of . . . L. 1873.

Country Clergyman, A. Rev. Griffith Jones (l). The platform of Christianity ... By . . . L. 1744.

Country Clergyman, A. Rev. John Disney. Remarks on Bishop Hurd's charge ... in 1775 and 1776 ... By . . . L. 1777.

Country Clergyman, A. Rev. Thomas Gwathin. Remarks upon the first of three letters [by Gloster Ridley] against the confessional [of F. Black- burne]. By . . . L. 1768.

Country Clergyman, A. Rev. John Dudley Oland Crosse. A selection of verses from the psalms of David ... by . . West Bridgwater, 1849.

Country Curate, A. Rev. G. P. Neale. Seven lectures on the history of Gideon . . . By . . L. 1843.

Country Curate, A. Rev. John Wil- liam Hewetl. Verses by . . . L. 185-.

Country Curate, A. Rev. Erskine Neale. The village poor-house ... By ... L. 1832.

Also assigned to the liev, James Wliite.

Country Gentleman, A. Charles Pulhill. Reflections on a pamphlet en- titled " A short history of opposition . . ."' By . . . L. 1779.

Country Gentleman, A. Gray.

Remarks on Scotch entails and the new notions ; or, roups, rack-rents, and ruin . . . by . . . Edinb. 1818.

Country Gentleman, The. Bight Hon. Edward Weston. The C. G.'s advice to his son, on his coming of age . . . L. 1755. Also, The . . . advice to his neigh- bors. L. 1756.

Country Incumbent, A. E. Spencer- Considerations addressed to the clergy, on the propriety of their bearing arms. ... By . . . Bath, 1798.