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Q     Are you aware of the status of that document production by the State Department related to your personal documents -- or professional documents, I should say?

A     I collected all the different types of records that possibly could be considered part of the request and provided them to the listed authority at the State Department.

Q     And have you had any followup conversations about production of those documents?

A     I have not.

Q     Have you had any conversations, separate and apart, from the letters that we understand you received? Have you had any type of conversations with the State Department -- anyone at the State Department about your testimony here today?

A     My testimony today? No.

Q     Okay. So you didn't have -- sorry, I don't mean the substance of your testimony, but did you have any conversations about whether you would be testifying or will testify?

A     The interaction consisted of letters through counsel.

Q     So you had no personnel conversations with anyone?

A     I had no personal conversation.