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Q     Did you have any conversations with anyone at the State Department about the document request?

A     Yes.

Q     Can you describe those conversations?

A     Define conversations.

Q     All right. Well, who did you speak to about the document?

A     Okay. So the first interaction was with somebody I presume many of you are familiar with  , who works with our congressional liaison. And initially, when I asked in email form whether I should start collecting documents, because I had received a personal request, I was instructed to await formal guidance, meaning formal instructions on how to fulfill the document production request, so that was the first interaction.

Q     And what was the second interaction?

A     The second interaction with the Department issued written guidance on how to be responsive to the subpoena for documents to the Department late on October 2nd and that was in writing.

Q     From whom?

A     The instructions were sent from the executive secretary of the Department, Lisa Kenna.

Q     And what did you do upon receiving those instructions?