Page:Introductory Hebrew Grammar- Hebrew Syntax (1902).djvu/50

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weight; 1 S. 30:22 כל אישׁ רָע וּבְלִיַּעַל every bad and worthless man.

(d) Under the explicative gen. may also be classed the gen. of restriction or specification. Adj. and ptcp. are construed with a gen. which specifies the extent or point of their application: Is. 6:5 אִישׁ טְמֵא־שְׂפָתַיִם a man unclean of lips; Ex. 32:9 עַם־קְשֵׁה־עֹרַף הוּא they are a stiffnecked people; Gen. 24:16 וְהַנַּעַר טוֹבַת מַרְאֶה מְאֹד and the girl was very pretty; 2 S. 9:13 פִּסֵּחַ שְׁתֵּי רַגְלָיו lame in his two feet; 1 S. 25:3 הָֽאִשָּׁה טוֹבַת שֶׂכֶל וִיפַת תֹּאַר וְהָאִישׁ רַע מַֽעֲלָלִים the woman was of great discretion, and beautiful in form, but the man was evil in his doings. Gen. 12:11; 26:7; 29:17; 39:6; 41:2–6, Ex. 4:10; 6:12, Deu. 9:6, 13, Jud. 3:15; 18:25, 1 S. 2:5; 22:2, 2 S. 4:4, Is. 1:4, 30; 3:3; 19:10; 20:4 (rd. חשׂופֵי); 29:24; 54:6, Am. 2:16, Ps. 24:4, Job 3:20; 9:4, Lam. 1:1, Song 5:8.

Rem. 1. The gen. of material, a ring of gold, is not partitive, but explicative — a ring which is gold.

Rem. 2. The gen. of quality, &c., forms along with its cons. a single conception, hence the suff. goes to the gen. Ps. 2:6 הר קָדְשִׁי my holy hill, Deu. 1:41, Is. 2:20; 9:3; 30:22; 31:7; 64:9,10, Zeph. 3:11, Job 18:7. Cf. § 27.

Rem. 3. The gen. of attribute or quality is very common with certain nouns, אישׁ, אִשָּׁה man, woman, בֵּן, בַּת son, daughter, בַּעַל owner, possessor. Ex. 4:10 אישׁ דְּבָרִים a good speaker, Job 11:2 א׳ שְׂפָתַיִם a babbler, 2 S. 16:7 א׳ דָּמִים a bloodshedder, Pr. 25:24 אֵשֶׁת מִדְיָנִים a brawling woman. Gen. 9:20; 25:27, 2 S. 18:20, 1 K. 2:26, Ps. 140:12. — Pr. 11:16; 12:4; 12:19; 28:5; 29:1, 8, Ru. 3:11, Zeph. 3:4.

1 S. 14:52 בֶּן־חַיִלּ mighty man, 26:16 בְּנֵי מָוֶת deserving death, 1:16 כַּת בְּלִּיַּעַל a worthless person. Nu. 17:25, Deu. 3:18, Jud. 18:2, 2 S. 3:34, 2 K. 14:14, Is. 5:1; 14:12, Jer. 48:45, Jon. 4:10, Job 5:7; 28:8. — Mic. 4:14, Mal. 2:11, Ecc. 12:4. And in stating age, 1 S. 4:15 בֶּן־תִּשְׁעִים וּשְׁמֹנֶה שָׁנָה 98 years old. Gen. 50:26, Nu. 32:11, Josh. 24:29, Jud. 2:8, Gen. 17:17.