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distinguish between them and words in which the letters have the ordinary value.

Diphthongs being the union of simple vowel sounds, are provided for in the direct. manner by the use of vowels, and not by the round-about way of using combinations of vowels and consonants at present employed in writing Irish. Illustrations of the diphthongs are given in the table, which is as follows:—


B, C, Ch, D, F, G, Gh, H, L, M, N, Ng, P, R, S, T, V, W.

Simp. Spg. Eng. Trans. Old. Spg.
B br. Drowning Báḋaḋ
B sl. Bía Food Biaḋ
C br. Cás Trouble Cás
C sl. Cih A shower Cioṫ
Ch br. Ach But Aċt
Ch sl. Chím I see Ċím
D br. Two
D sl. Of drink Diġe
F br. Fáil Getting Faġáil
F sl. Fear A man Fear
G br. Gour A goat Gaḃar
G sl. Geal Bright Geal
Gh br. A ghrá My love A ġráḋ
Gh sl. Ghíolas I sold Ḋíolas
H Cahú Regret Caṫuġaḋ
L br. Luí Lying Luiġe
L sl. Leag Knock down Leag
M br. Ma If
M sl. Mil Honey Mil
N br. Nós Custom Nós