Page:Irish Made Easy - Shán Ó Cuív.pdf/29

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Simp. Spg. Eng. Trans. Old. Spg.
N sl. Nead A nest Nead
Ng br. na ngäl, of the Gaels. na nGaeḋeal
Ng sl. Sing Fén We ourselves Sinn féin
P br. Pay Páiġe
P sl. Peaca Sin Peacaḋ
R br. Roh A wheel Roṫ
R sl. Ere Ireland Éire
S br. Suí Sitting Suiḋe
S sl. Sin That Sin
T br. Tobar A well Tobar
T sl. Tír Land Tír
V br. Mo vrón My sorrow Mo ḃrón
V sl. Was Ḃí
W Bwí Yellow Buiḋe

a, e, i, o, u,à, è, ì, ò, ù,á, é, í, ó, ú,

â, ê, î, ô, û,ä, ï, ü, y.

a Lag Weak lag
ai Tais Soft tais
ea Leag Knock down leag
eai Geaitire Splinter geaitire
e Ber Bring beir
i Min Meal min
io Fios Knowledge fios
ui Duine Person duine
o Cos Foot cos
oi Toil Will toil
eo Deoch Drink deoċ
u Muc Pig muc
iu Piuc Bit pioc
ui Cuisle Pulse cuisle
à às Out of as
è From him de
ì From her di
ò To him do
ù Amùh Outside amuiġ