Page:Irish Made Easy - Shán Ó Cuív.pdf/41

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Rev, Ní Rev, and Na Rev.

We have already had examples of the use of tá, and the dependent forms níl, wil, and ná fuil. These are all in the present tense. We shall now take the past (ví, was) and treat of its dependent parts as we did with tá. The interrogative of Ví is rev, and the negative ní rev. There is also an emphatic interrogative Ná rev. The question “was he here” is in Irish ret sé ansò. If the answer is ní rev, (or ní rev sé) he was not. A further question may be asked, Ná rev sé ansò (was he not here). We add to our vocabulary the words Conus (how), níadar (I don't know), and Cá (where). Conus takes the absolute form of the verb and Cá the depnednet, thus Conus tá sé, cá wil sé. These words will enable us to extend the range of our conversation between Brian and Síle, which we continue as follows:—

Brían: A* Híle, wil Seán anson?
Sile: Níl.
Brían: Cá wil sé
Síle: Níadar.
Brían: Ná rev sé anson iné?
Síle: Ví, ach níl sé ansò inìs.
Brían: An rev an mao anson iné?
Síle: Ní rev
Brían: Rev bó anson?
Síle: Ví, bó óg agus tá sí anso inìs.
Brían: Wil Pádraig go mah, a Híle?
Síle: Tá, gura mah agat (thank you) Conus tá Eilín?