Page:Irish Made Easy - Shán Ó Cuív.pdf/42

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Brían: Tá Eilín go mah guns mah agat. Be sí anso anocht.

Síle: Beg Seán anso amaireach irís.

Brían: Rev en gé ansòn!

Síle: Ní rev ach ví cú ansò.

Brían: Ví cú eli anso.

Síle: Cá wil sí inis *a Vrien?

Brían: Níadar. Ví sí anso ach níl sí anso inìs.

Síle: Be sí anso irís. Slán leat.

Brían: Slán leat *a Híle.

*a, the vocative particle, used when addressing a person by name has the effect of changing the sound at the beginning of a word. Thus We see that the S of Síle is changed to H and the B of Brían to V.

A Meg, Ní Veg, and Na Beg.

We have now done the negatives and interrogatives of tá and ví, and the present lesson will deal with beg (will be). The interrogative is a meg, the negative interrogative ná beg, and the negative ní veg. We give a few salutations and phrases which will help our little dialogue:

Go meanuí Dia ghuit, said when meeting.

Dia ’s Muire ghuit, said in reply.

When the latter is used as a salutation, Dia ’s Muire ghuit a Padruig is said in reply.

Bail ó Ghia ort, said to a person at work.

Dia ’s Muire ghuit, said in reply.

As mah é sin, an expression of satisfaction, meaning “that is good.”