Page:Isvar Chandra Vidyasagar, a story of his life and work.djvu/386

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to retract with any degree of consistency; but I humbly hope that you will be pleased to admit after a due consideration of circumstances I have explained at length, in what an awkward position I have been placed and how delicate and difficult it is for me now to make any alteration in my letter.

With much deference and respect and with many apologies for troubling you in a matter so purely personal to myself.

"I remain,

"15th Sep. 1858.

"Yours most faithfully,
(Sd.) Isvara Chandra Sarma.

"To The Hon'ble F. J. Halliday."

But Halliday had not objected to the portion on his own account, but for his friend's sake, and he explained his views in the following letter which he wrote to Vidyasagar on the subject:—

"15th Sep. 1858,

Dear Sir,

"I have received your letter of this day's date. You are mistaken in supposing that the retention of the paragraph to which you allude in your letter of resignation is likely to put me to any inconvenience. To me it is indifferent whether the paragraph be retained or not.

"I mentioned that I thought it possible you might be asked to explain the cause of your dissatisfaction with the administration of the department and as you expressed an insuperable objec-