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Concerning whom Thou didst command
That they should not enter into Thy congregation.
כ11All her people sigh,
They seek bread;
They have given their pleasant things for food
To refresh the soul.
'See, O Lord, and behold,
How abject I am become.'
ל12'Let it not come unto you, all ye that pass by!
Behold, and see
If there be any pain like unto my pain,
Which is done unto me,
Wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me
In the day of His fierce anger.
מ13From on high hath He sent fire
Into my bones, and it prevaileth against them;
He hath spread a net for my feet,
He hath turned me back;
He hath made me desolate
And faint all the day.
נ14The yoke of my transgressions is impressed by His hand;
They are knit together,
They are come up upon my neck;
He hath made my strength to fail;
The Lord hath delivered me into their hands,
Against whom I am not able to stand.
ס15The Lord hath set at nought
All my mighty men in the midst of me;
He hath called a solemn assembly against me
To crush my young men;
The Lord hath trodden as in a winepress
The virgin daughter of Judah.'
ע16'For these things I weep;
Mine eye, mine eye runneth down with water;
Because the comforter is far from me,
Even he that should refresh my soul;
My children are desolate,
Because the enemy hath prevailed.'
פ17Zion spreadeth forth her hands;
There is none to comfort her;
The Lord hath commanded concerning Jacob,
That they that are round about him should be his adversaries,
Jerusalem is among them
As one unclean.
צ18'The Lord is righteous;
For I have rebelled against His word;
Hear, I pray you, all ye peoples,
And behold my pain:
My virgins and my young men
Are gone into captivity.
ק19I called for my lovers,
But they deceived me;
My priests and mine elders
Perished in the city,
While they sought them food
To refresh their souls.
ר20Behold, O Lord, for I am in distress,
Mine inwards burn;
My heart is turned within me,
For I have grievously rebelled.
Abroad the sword bereaveth,
At home there is the like of death.
ש21They have heard that I sigh,
There is none to comfort me;
All mine enemies have heard of my trouble, and are glad,
For Thou hast done it;
Thou wilt bring the day that Thou hast proclaimed,
And they shall be like unto me.