Page:Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator (Collins, 1919).djvu/276

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Jack Heaton

cult matter to transmit enough energy wirelessly in any one direction to have a sufficient quantity left after it has passed through even a short distance to do useful work such as running a motor.

“As early as 1905 Tesla took out patents for a system of wireless transmission of power in which he proposed to use the free ether of space instead of the ether in and around a wire to guide and carry it. He built a great tower at Wardencliff, Long Island, New York, for the purpose of radiating power but nothing came of the experiments he made and after some years the tower was torn down.”

“You don’t believe then that it will ever be possible to transmit energy for power purposes by wireless?”

“On the contrary, I believe it is possible but other discoveries must be made before it can be done successfully and this is also true of many other things which have been and are still looked upon as physical impossibilities. As to controlling apparatus at a distance by wireless that is, of course, just as easy as sending a signal, in fact it’s the same thing.

“Tesla was the first to control the movements