Page:Jack Heaton, Wireless Operator (Collins, 1919).djvu/277

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Mustered Out

of a boat at a distance by wireless and after him came many others. Even submarines have been so equipped and controlled but since the surface of the sea reflects most of the energy of the waves and absorbs the rest of it the boat must have its aerial above the surface at all times or the waves will not reach it.

“Attempts to control airships by wireless have been made time without number but to no useful purpose for no effective distance can be had between an airship and the sending station. Even sending wireless messages from airplanes as you said yesterday is only done over a very short distance and these limits are quickly reached because there is no way of grounding it.”

“How do you think the distance could be increased?” Jack wanted to know.

“You are asking a hard question, my boy. It might be done by finding a certain length of wave that would have a carrying capacity through the ether comparable to that of light, yet be longer than a light wave and shorter than the wireless waves we use for transmitting over land and sea. But this is sheer speculation on my part. Well, Jack, we’re all done and you