This page needs to be proofread.

Page 328, line 28, delete comma after play

Page 338, line 3, for about hin getting him own way read about him getting his own way

Page 341, line 31, delete comma after readywitted Page 352, line 19, delete comma after comes

Page 360, line 14, for drew read dew

Page 363, line 12, for was is read was it

Page 383, line 19, for proclivites read proclivities

Page 388, line 4, for scrupulosly read scrupulously

Page 391, line 3, for prolungation read prolongation

Page 391, line 7, for perpetration read perpetuation

Page 398, line 11, for suspened read suspended

Page 399, line 13, for femoules read females

Page 409, line 18, for scrufulous read scrofulous

Page 414, line 3, for awsing read asking

Page 423, line 2, for watered silkfacings read wateredsilk facings

Page 429, line 28, for sicksewet read sicksweet

Page 429, line 29, delete comma after accused

Page 436, line 27, insert comma after ripplecloth

Page 437, line 25, for through read though

Page 442, line 3, for ffecy read fleecy

Page 447, line 5, for lift read lifts

Page 447, line 11, for it was read It was

Page 457, line 13, for thier read their

Page 458, line 29, for prvileged read privileged

Page 459, line 20, for playes read plays

Page 470, line 26, for dsuty read dusty

Page 482, line 21, for mlld read mild

Page 490, line 4, for Agueschaken read Agueshaken

Page 490, line 26, for pluks read plucks

Page 510, line 4, for bought read boughs

Page 510, line 11, for adsf or read ads for

Page 513, line 14, for trough read through

Page 513, line 18, for white polled read whitepolled

Page 514, line 12, delete comma after waistcoat

Page 519, line 7, for exagerated read exaggerated