Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/273

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in the specimen now described. The general colour is pale buff, with rather darker brown shades and dots, some of the latter being larger and more distinct, especially one near the bar of the costa, another above the middle, and two close to the tip of the fore wings, which are also slightly marked with three faint transverse fasciæ at equal distances apart; the costa at the base, and cilia, are purplish. The hind wings have an angulated vitreous discoidal spot, margined with black, with a purple patch between it and the costa; behind this is a curved row of dark dots on the veins, and the anal angle is also purplish, as are also the anterior tibiæ and the patch of scales at the base of the anterior tarsi.

The specimen figured is in the collection of the Rev. F. W. Hope. Its locality is unknown.

The expansion of the wings is two inches and one-third.