Page:Jardine Naturalist's Library Exotic Moths.djvu/274

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Phalæna sospeta, Drury, Exot. Ins., vol. ii. pl. 22, fig. 3.

This pretty species is referred with some doubt to Duponchel's genus Venilia, which is characterised by having the wings deltoid in repose, the hinder margin of the anterior pair excised, the posterior subemarginated; palpi short; spiral tongue long; antennæ simple.

The expansion of the wings is about two inches five lines, their colour pale yellow; the anterior with several brown spots, which have a tendency to form two very irregular macular bands; on the hinder wings there is likewise a large transverse brown spot near the abdominal margin. The head is pale yellow; thorax and abdomen yellow, the former shading into brown posteriorly. On the under side the breast and abdomen are pale yellow, the markings on the wings corresponding to those on the surface. Legs yellow, spotted with brown.

This geometer is a native of Jamaica.