Page:Jean Jaurès socialist and humanitarian 1917.djvu/160

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  • Les bazeilles, 26.
  • Levy-Bruhl, L., quoted, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 36, 43.
  • Liberty, Jaurès' love of, 49.
  • Libre Parole, 58, 59, 77.
  • Loubet, M., 75, 97.
  • Lyons Conference, 94; Jaurès' speech at, 106.

  • Macdonald, J. Ramsay, quoted, 33, 42, 99.
  • Marx, Carl, 41, 85-86.
  • Matin, Le, 62.
  • Millerand, 90.
  • Méline, M., 65.
  • Minturn, M. see Etudes Socialistes.
  • Morocco, 133, 135, 137, 138.

  • Nature, Jaurès' love of, 36.
  • Nationality, sentiment of, 112, 127; basis of internationalism, 143.

  • Patriotism, 112, 127, 129; Hervé's view of, 141.
  • Paty du Clam, 64, 68, 72.
  • Peace, 33, 123 et seq.; armed peace, 125. See also War.
  • Petit bleu, 61,
  • Persia, 135.
  • Petite République, 31, 50, 67, 76.
  • Picquart, Colonel, 61, 71, 72.
  • Pius X., 97.
  • Pope, the, 94.
  • Proletarian rights, 48; growth of proletariat, 86.
  • Property, private, 47; social or common, 49.

  • Radicals, Jaurès' attitude towards, 47.
  • Rappoport, Charles, quoted, 33, 38, 54, 57, 60, 81, 82, 88, 123, 125, 150.
  • Rennes, Dreyfus trials at, 75.
  • Republic, meaning of the, 83; Republicans, 54.
  • Revolution, 53-55, 77, 86-87.
  • Rheims Congress, 32, 98.
  • Rochefort, M., 68.