Page:Jean Jaurès socialist and humanitarian 1917.djvu/161

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  • Rolland, Romain, quoted, 21, 35.
  • Russian alliance, 131, 150.

  • Schwerer-Kestner, 63, 74.
  • Secret treaties, 137, 139, 144, 150.
  • Sembat, Marcel, 120, 150.
  • Social Democratic Federation, 41.
  • Socialism, 41; main ideas of, 44.
  • Socialist Party, and Dreyfus Affair, 58, 60, 76-79; participation in government, 90; the split, 94. See also German Socialists.
  • Strike, general, 141, 144, 145.
  • Studies in Socialism, see Etudes Socialistes.
  • Stuttgart resolution, 145; Jaurès' report, 109, 147.
  • Syndicalists, 106.

  • Three Years' Law, 115.
  • Tolstoy compared with Jaurès, 56, 123.
  • Trades unions, 106, 107.
  • Tripoli, 135, 139.
  • Tzar's visit, 90, 96.

  • Viviani, M., 94.
  • Vorwärts, 126, 130, 1 32.

  • Waldeck-Rousseau, 32, 90, 92, 95; resigns, 97.
  • War, characterised, 124; when necessary, 114; Anglo-German, 132; not inevitable, 140; offensive or defensive? 143; efforts to avert, 150. See also Peace.

  • Zola, Emile, 32, 63, 71, 74, 91.

Subjects not otherwise entered may be found, classified, under Jaurès, Jean.