Page:Jerry Thomas - The bar-tender's guide (1887).djvu/98

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  • Take 1 pint of lemon syrup.
  • Take 1 bottle of Claret or Port wine.
  • Take ½ pound of sugar.
  • Take ½ pint of boiling water.
  • Take 6 grains of vanilla.
  • Take 1 grain of ambergris.
  • Take 1 pint of strong brandy.

Rub the vanilla and ambergris with the sugar in the brandy thoroughly; let it stand in a corked bottle for a few hours, shaking occasionally. Then add the lemon juice, pineapple juice and wine; filter through flannel, and lastly, add the syrup.

West Indian Punch.

This is made in the same manner as Brandy Punch (see page 65), by adding to each glass a small piece of preserved ginger, and a little of the syrup.

Barbadoes Punch.

Barbadoes Punch is prepared by adding to each glass of Brandy Punch (see page 65) one tea-spoonful of guava jelly.

Apple Punch.

In a china bowl lay alternate layers of sliced apples and lemons, each layer being thickly strewed with powdered sugar, until the bowl is about half filled; then pour a bottle of claret over the fruit and let it stand six hours. Pour it through a muslin bag, and it is ready for use.