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Baeck .Samuel Baer,

Four thousand Jews shared Ms Badis himself was soon afterward poisoned.


Bibliography: rt seq.;




Grsch. der Juden,

vi. 21-38 et seq., iVi iter Mriuren in Spanien (Leipslc, 254, 291 et seq., Rives a somewhat different versiou.


Dozy, Gesch.

M. K.


BAECK, SAMUEL: German Kromau, Moravia, April was rabbi in Kromau;



born at His father, Nathan, rabbi;

his grandfather, Abraham, rabbi in Holitsch, Hungary. Baeck married the daughter of Abraham Platschek, chief rabbi of Moravia, and the son of this union, Leon, is also a After being educated in the public schools of rabbi. Kromau and at the Tahnudical schools of Nikols-

burg (Moravia) and Presburg (Hungary), Baeck studied at the University of Vienna, continuing his Talmudic studies under R. Horwitz. After receiving his diploma as rabbi from the chief rabbi Plaezek of Boskowitz, .he was appointed rabbi at Bohmisch Leipa, and was afterward called as rabbi to the celebrated community of Lissa, province of Posen, which He is a member position he holds at present (1902). of the municipal school committee and of the "Waisenrat," instructor in the Jewish religion at the gymnasium, and is a delegate to the Deutsch-Israelitischen Gemeindebund. He was the first to advocate with success the introduction of the teaching of the The Jewish religion in the colleges of Prussia. published works of Samuel Baeck are: "Inder und " Erzilhlungen und Religionssiltze der Hebraer " Heiligen Schrift," Lissa, 1875, 2d ed. 1886; "Systematische Religionssatze der Heiligen Schrift," "Geschichte des Jiidischen Volkes und ib. 1875; Seiner Literatur vom Babylonischen Exile bis auf die Gegenwart," ib. 1878, 2d ed., 1894; "Die Halachistische und Responsen Literatur, die Literatur

der Darshanim, Sittenlehrer, und Apologeten," in Winter and Wunsche, " Judische Literatur," vols. ii. S. and iii.


Spanish poet of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, brother of Juan Alfonso de Baena, and secretary to the governor Diego de Ribera. One of his poems appears Recent investigation in his brother's "Cancionero." points to the conclusion that De Baena's given names, instead of Francisco, were Fernando Alfonso, and that he was the father of the Spanish trouba:

dour Anton de Montoro. Bibliography: Rafael Ramirez de Arellano, Anton de Montoro, p.







M. K.


king and his court. book,


This "Cancionero," or songand the only court song-

the oldest Castilian

book of the country, and it contains the poems (written mostly for special occasions) of fifty-five authors, all belonging to the Sevillan school of poetry, as distinguished from the Valencian school. Among

these poets are a number of Maranos Pero Ferrus, one of the oldest but also the most decadent of them all Garei Fernandez de Jerena, and others who

songs about their former coreligionists. I )e Baena, "this Judino" as he was called, was well versed in the poetry of his country, His particularly so in satire and poetical letters. " Cancionero " contains " requestas " and " decires " (apothegms) by him. The "Cancionero de Baena" was first published at Madrid in 1851 by Gayangos and Pidal, with an excellent introduction by the same and then by Fran-

wrote malicious


cisque Michel, Leipsic, 1852. As a Marano De Baena met with much hostility. Bibliography: F. Wolt, Stud ten zur Span, und Pnrtiig. Literatur, p. 203; Tlcknor, Hint, of Span'isli Literature, i. J. Amador de los Rios, Los Judios de Exiiana, pp. 406 Kayserling, Sephardim, pp. 6!) et seq. t-t seif., Madrid, 184a 542

M. K.



family name, derived from the

Jewish pramomen and German " Bar " (bear).

The Jews of Germany, like those of other countries, borrowed their names from their non-Jewish fellowcitizens; chiefly when equivalents of these names could be found in the Bible. Because the patriarch Jacob (Gen. xlix. pa&xim) compared the qualities of some of his children to those of certain animals, the Jews eagerly adopted as proper names the German for these animals, such as "Baer," Wolf, " " Lowe. " The older forms " Bera, " " Bero " occur in the Memorbuchs (compare the old High German "Bero"). Among the Polish and Russian Jews, the name " Baer " assumed various diminutive forms, such as "Baeril," "Baerush," and "Baerke." All these are rendered in Hebrew by " Dob " or " Issachar " and as such the name is used for synagogal and literary Later "Baer" became a family name, purposes. which, however, did not always retain its original spelling, the German "it" being variously rendered

designations "





Zunz, Ilamcn der Juden, p. 26; Salfeld, tirrologlum des K ijrnberger Memorhuches, p. 388.





cribiente " (notarial secretary) at the court of John II. Under the title " Cancionero del Judino Juan Alfonso

de Baena," he collected the productions of the poet-

John I., Hemy III., and more particularly of John II. of Castile: "those of the friars and monks, the masters of theology, the knights and the squires, and various others. " These different poems — which, in their entirety, give a perfectly rounded picture of the "gaya sciencia," as the art of poesy was called recorded the social life and doings of this circle, for the amusement of the ical coterie of the courts of


and composer; born in Russia Dec. 26, 1834; died at Gothenburg, Sweden, March 7, 1894. His father destined him for the rabbinate but his love for music and the song of the synagogue caused him to elect the cantorate. At an early age he emigrated to Germany, and there under the tutelage of eminent hazanim prepared himself for his sacred calling. He officiated for a time at Pakosh and Schwetz in West Prussia, and at twenty-three (1857) was called to Gothenburg, Sweden. Well equipped with Hebrew and Talmudic learning, he applied himself with remarkable success to the acquisition of secuHis lar knowledge and the science and art of music. researches were especially directed to the field of Jewish traditional melodies, then but little explored. cian,

BAENA, JUAN ALFONSO DE: Spanish troubadour in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries; born at Baena, Cordova. He was "escribano es-

