Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/412

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Was Conrade. Wheresoe'er his foeman aim'd 570
His barbed javelin, there he swung around
The guardian shield: now pierced with many a stroke,
The Earl's emblazon'd buckler to the earth
Fell sever'd: from his riven arms the blood
Stream'd fast; and now the Frenchman's battle-axe 575
Drove unresisted thro the shieldless mail.
Backward the Frank recoil'd. "Urge not to death
This fruitless contest," cried he; "live, oh Chief!
Are there not those in England who would feel
Keen anguish at thy loss? a wife perchance 580
Who trembles for thy safety, or a child
Needing a Father's care!"
Then Talbot's heart
Smote him. "Warrior! he cried, "if thou dost think
That life is worth preserving, hie thee hence,
And save thyself: I loath this useless talk." 585

So saying, he address'd him to the fight,
Impatient of existence; from their arms
