Page:Joan of Arc - Southey (1796).djvu/413

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Flash'd fire, and quick they panted; but not long
Endured the deadly combat. With full force
Down thro' his shoulder even to the chest, 590
Conrade impell'd the ponderous battle-axe;
And at that inftant underneath his shield
Received the hostile spear. Prone fell the Earl,
Even in his death rejoicing that no foe
Should live to boaft his fall.
Then with faint hand 595
Conrade unlaced his helm, and from his brow
Wiping the cold dews, ominous of death,
He laid him on the earth, thence to remove,
While the long lance hung heavy in his side,
Powerless. As thus beside his lifeless foe 600
He lay, the Herald of the English Earl
With faltering step drew near, and when he saw
His master's arms, "Alas! and is it you,
My Lord?" he cried. "God pardon you your sins!
I have been forty years your officer, 605
And time it is I should surrender now
