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Aaron, celebrated by Sirach, 193

Achamoth, Gnostic myth of, 161 n.

Adam, occurrence of the word in 'Proverbs,' 119

Addison, 145

Age, ascribed to Job, 71;
  description of, 229 sq.

Agur, 154, 170 sq.

Ahriman, 80

Akabia ben Mahalallel, 300

Akiba, Rabbi, 283

Alexandria, importance of, to Jews, 181

Allegorical view of 'Job,' 65;
  of Koheleth's portrait of old age, 229 sq.

Alphabet of Ben Sira, 195 sq.

Amenemhat I., 156

Amos, parallels to 'Job' in, 87

Amos iv. 13, v. 8, perhaps interpolations, 52, n.

Angels, doctrine of, 44 sq. See also Spirits Apap, the serpent, 76 Apocrypha, value of the, 179 Aquila, versions of, 277 Arabian theory of angels, 44 n.

Arabic Literature, euphuism in, 206

Arabic Poets, subjectivity, 64;
  parallels to 'Job' in, 100

Arabic Proverbs compared with Hebrew, 134;
  one quoted, 64

Arabisms, in 'Job,' 99, 291 sq.; in Proverbs, 172 Aramaisms, in 'Job,' 15 n., 92, 97, 99, 291 sq., 294; in 'Proverbs,' 154, 168, 172; in Koheleth, 257 Aristeas, the fragment of, 96 Aristotle, definition of Virtue, 28 Arnold, Matthew, 122 Artaxerxes II. and III., 258 Ashmedai, 80 Assyrian, Discoveries, 5 sq.; Policy of uprooting nations, 73; Theory of Angels, 44 n.

Atomism, doctrine of, 263

Atonement, doctrine of the, 3, 287, 45

Augustine, Saint, quoted, 147, 284

Aurelius, Marcus, mentioned, 289;
  quoted, 234;
  compared with Koheleth, 245, 266 sq.

Babylonian, animal fables, 126;
  physical theology, 52

Bacon, Lord, the New Atlantis, 132; Adv. of Learning, 210 Bagoses, 258 Bede, the Ven., on 'Job,' 90 Bedouin prayer, 52 Behemoth, 56 Ben Abuyah, 150 Bereshith Rabba, quoted, 188 Bernstein, on 'Job,' 293 Bertholdt, on 'Job,' 293 Bible, Milton's view of the, 253 Biblical criticism, 1 sq.

Bickell, as a critic, 241;
  on Job (xix. 25-27), 35, 288;
  on Prov. (xxii. 19-21), 138;
  on Sirach, 195;
  on Koheleth (iv. 13-16), 213, (iii. 11) 276, (viii. 10) 220, 276;
  list of poetical passages in Koheleth, 206;
  on the text of Koheleth, 273;
  and passim

Bildad, his home, 15;
  the advocate of tradition, 17, 23

Binney, Mr., 296

Birthday, Job's curse of his, 16

Blake, William, quoted, 54;
  his illustrations to 'Job,' 19, 45 n., 50, 56, 59, 65, 106 sq.

Book of the Dead, parallels with 'Job,' 39, 76