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Then answered the messenger, "Christiana, the bitter is before the sweet. You must pass through troubles, as Christian did, before you can enter the Celestial City. Follow the light which you see dimly in the distance. Go to the wicket gate. Keep to the straight and narrow way."

Having said this, the messenger bade her farewell, and Christiana called her sons together.

"Come, my children," she said, "let us pack up and be off to the gate that leads to the Celestial Land."

When the children heard this, they danced for joy, for they longed to follow in the footsteps of their father. So all made haste to get ready for the journey.

But just as they were about to be gone, two women who were neighbors of Christiana came up to the house and knocked at the door. And when they saw the mother and the boys all ready to set out from their home, they were much surprised.

"Indeed, indeed, what is the meaning of this?" asked one of them, whose name was Mrs. Timorous.

"We are going on a journey," answered Christiana.

"A journey! Where to, I pray you?" cried Mrs. Timorous.