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"Even to go after my good husband," said Christiana; and with that she began to weep.

"I'm afraid you'll be sorry for it," said Mrs. Timorous. "Only think of the perils in your way. Think of your four little boys, and remember that the safest place is at home."

"Tempt me not, my neighbor," answered Christiana. "I have fully made up my mind, and nothing can turn me back."

"Fool! fool!" said Mrs. Timorous, and she mocked Christiana and spoke many bitter words to her. Then she turned to the other young woman and said, "Come, Mercy, let us go home. She will have her own way, and so let her suffer as she deserves."

But Mercy's kind heart was touched at the thought of parting with Christiana. So she answered Mrs. Timorous, and said, "Nay, I think I will walk a little way with her and the boys. The day is bright and fair, and I will help them to get well started on their journey."

"Ha!" said Mrs. Timorous. "You want to go a fooling, too, do you? But take heed in time, and be wise. While we are out of danger, we are out; but when we are in, we are in."