Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/139

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for $4500.00 and gave it to Metropolitan Rozhdestvensky. He read it and said: "It is nonsense, you will get everything, but listen to everything we will tell you because you are our old friend. Suddenly he began to tremble, had become excited. He seized me and began to kiss. In a profuse perspiration he undressed and lay down in bed. I thought that His Eminence the Most Eminent Metropolitan Platon was dieing when he convulsing in his bed called me: "Vassilek, come over here, rub me here, here, he took my hanrd and putting it on his stomach screamed in agony and wild extasy. Vasia, rub stronger my penis and as an insane one he seized me towards him began to choke me by the throat and then, when I was neither dead nor alive, he ravished me brutally. Remaining for about half an hour in bed, the prelate made me the most flattering promises which included the Eden of Mahomet and he became tired to chatter, got up from the bed, brought into order his clothes and drank about two glasses of wine, he gave me too, and I drank one glass.

At last the Prelate opened the door with a key and went out. In about five minutes he returned to the same room where he so brutally attacked me, but he did not enter alone, but with the entire suite of the following persons' Archbishop Alexander Nemolovsky, Archpriest Leonid Turkevich, Archpriest Peter Popoff, Archpriest Vassily Lisenkovsky, Arch-provocateur Vladimir Richlov, Gregory Kunashevsky, Valerian Grevies, who was just arrived, and the President of the Dussian Relief, Vladimir Vladimirovich Buimistrov.

I was much astonished by all this and by the fact that everyone who entered shook hands with me calling me their friend. Taking me aside the Metropolitan Platon began to beg me to listen to him and to all his intimates and to do a thing of great importance to the church. When I asked what it was the Metropolitan Platon came nearer to his suite and said: "Gentlemen, we all must know about the affair we have conceived, and you, Vassily", he said turning to me, "even if you will reveal our plot, nobody will believe you, better listen and do what we will ask you." I answered affirmatively. To encourage me and to make me feel happy the Metropolitan told me that they will give me so much money that I will not have to do painting work any more, that I will live on the money that will be given to me by the plotters of the Church. Then he said: "You know that from Russia came pursuing me Dudikoff with his wife, who tried many times to kill me, and B. Kuklevsky because we owe to

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