Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/140

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Dudikoff $2800.00 which he gave for safe keeping to cur Church Missionary Bank and $5000.00 for shares which were pledged to Dudikoff. We owe him $7800.00 and 6% yearly interest while the shares he has are worth at least $42.000,00. You, Vassily, ought to try to get those shares and try to finish up with him." He was still more begging me and then he said: "Take Dudikoff somewhere and quietly thrust a knife into him so that nobody should see. He would give you a revolver but the sounds of the shot would be heard and you might be caught into a trap. The priest Richlov, Archbishop Nemolovsky and Gregory Kunashevsky were advising me to put poison into a glass of some drink which Dudikoff will use. When 1 asked where I could get it, Kunashevsk said that "everything will be given if I will ony try to do the thing." Especially insistent on such a terrible murder was the Metropolitan Platon Rozhdestvensky.

After such a terrible plot which was organized against the citizen and now a priest, father Ivan Dudikoff, who is fighting the evil in the Russian Oorthodox Church, I left and immediately warned father Dudikoff about the danger. But I did not tell him who were the plotters as I did not want him to start criminal proceedings against them. I, too. was afraid especially for my savings which were entirely in the hands of the Prelates and under prelates of the Orthodox Church.

After this I decided to reveal their terrible plot against the priest father Ivan Dudikoff, and decided to demand the return of my $4500.00 which Igave to the prelates and $100.00 to under prelate Stephan Dziubai, the sum total of $4600.00 plus six percent interest per annum. I wish to add that a part of this sum, i. t. $3000.00 were loaned by me from citizen Semen Semenovich Savchuk, who resides in the City of New York, for which sum I gave to Savchuk a receipt.

Having entirely given up the honor of priesthood which was conferred upon me by Archbishop Dziubai, I, as an honest citizen, who is desirous to return to a poor though but honest life, give my affidavit as before God Almighty not omitting anything of the doings of the Prelates and under prelates of the Russian Orthodox Church who have declared themselves to be the chiefs of the Greek-Catholic Church, doings which I witnessed during a period of thirteen years.

I believe and hope that Christ's Holy Church will arise and that justice will triumph among the Russian people after the elimination,

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