Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/43

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me to furnish him a considerable sum of money as his expenses overran his expectations. Acting in great haste as a train was ready to leave the station, I handed to "consul" requested sum of money in presence and to full knowledge of John F. Dudikoff, being unable to receive any receipt for given amount, only with promise of immediate return.

"After long lapse of years, being unable to discover any trace of whereabouts of said "Consul," I met him unexpectedly in Pittsburgh, Pa., and to my surprise I found out that said person was impostor of Consul Rutzky, and that his real name was Daniel Gilevich.

((Signed) Rev. James Piatetsky."

"P. S. Money has never ben returned, exact amount of which is known also to J. Dudikoff.

(Signed) Rbv. James Piatetsky."

Father Slunin said that Consul Rutzky had also come to Wilkes-Barre. We found him in a hotel in dress uniform, his breast covered with medals and crosses. We made his acquaintance and together with this pseudo-Rutzky (it turned out that he was a former village policeman and at present a clergyman, Daniel Gilevich) we went to German, Pa.


The Clergymen Administer "Justice"

The following were called to the inquest: Vassily Repelo, the defendant and at present priest and provost with the Mission, and Marie Lubkuch, the plaintiff, her father, and a number of witnesses. Father Slunin had them all sworn in, "Consul Rutsky, alias Daniel Gilevitch, cross-examined them, and I took down the testimony. Piatetsky acted as assistant secretary. The inquest made it clear that Vassily Repelo, having lured the girl Marie Lubkuch for a walk on the cemetery, violated her at a headstone representing an angel with a cross in his hands. Vassily Repelo admitted his guilt and implored that his youth be taken into consideration and that an attempt be made to reconcile him with Marie. He promised to pay her father $5,000.

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