Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/44

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He paid this sum in full and handed it to "Consul" Rutzky who turned it over to Father Slunin, remarking: "This inquest is being carried on by the Church Mission and the money must therefore be transmitted to the defendant through the medium of the Church. Give the money to Archbishop Platon, and you, Lubkuch, sign a receipt for it at once because the money has been turned over in your presence. When you present this receipt to the Bishop, he will give you the money. Should you wish to thank the Church for its trouble, you

Holy Fathers Under Charge
3. Father W. Repelo
4. Father T. Melasevich
5. P. Popoff, Archpresbyter
1. Father Krochmalny
2. Father Kukulevsky

may donate a thousand dollars or so to Archbishop Platon for charitable purposes." Father Slunin put the money into his pocket, and promised Lubkuch to send the money that very week. As it turned

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