Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/47

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iosity too dangerous and tried hard to get rid of the "inquisitive" representatives of Law and Order so as to keep the thing secret. They must have been "out of luck." They had to pay the detectives $3,000 to hush up the matter. Where they got the money I do not know. They had great difficulty in calming the frenzied woman who kept screaming and shouting about her right to the money since old men were using her body. She threatened to disclose everything even

The Russian St. Nicholas Cathedral
The Russian St. Nicholas Cathedral

The Russian St. Nicholas Cathedral

though she herself might suffer. During this row she slapped Bishop Alexander on the face twice and yelled: "You think you can do anything you please with me and then give me nothing but your thanks? … No, you'll have to pay dearly!"

We got our belongings together and returned to New York from the "inquest" very much disheartned. It will be a propos to mention

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