Page:John Feoktist Dudikoff - Beasts in Cassocks (1924).djvu/48

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the extravagant purchase of the Metropolitans, Platon and Alexander. They spent $75,000 in a jewelry store on Broadway for a pearl necklace, a present for Mother Kokhannik. Alexander also presented Madam Kokhannik, the conqueror of the Bishops' hearts, who used to arrange all sorts of "baths" for the "princes of the Church," as well as "Athenian evenings," with a trifle—a $35,000 diamond necklace. Archbishop Alexander, having escaped from his Diocese to Paris on account of a warrant for his arrest, left unpaid debts to the

Interior of St. Nicholas Cathedral
Interior of St. Nicholas Cathedral

Interior of St. Nicholas Cathedral

amount of $200,000. I am in a position to prove where they obtained part of the money they spent, because I am familiar with their books as well as with their accounts in some of the banks. I have positive proofs of my assertions.


More "Inquests"

On the way to Quatasaqua, in a Lehigh Valley Railroad express train, the "Consul" and the Archpresbyter asked me to keep an eye on their seats while they went to the dining car for dinner. They ate all the way into Allentown, thus giving me no chance for my dinner. At Allentown we changed for another train, because the express did

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