Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/164

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Grammar of the Panjdbi Language.

Perfect Past Tense.

Main àkhy I spoke Ad1 àkhyI We spoke T àkhyal Thou spokest TusIij àkhy You spoke Us ikhyá lie spoke lnAâkbyà They spoke imperfect Past Tense. Main àkbdà d 1 was ipeaking Asi àkkde s We were speak. ing Tü lkhdI de Thou wast speak Tusi uldide aa,o You were speak. 0 alMa at He°as speaking 0 à sin Tlwere speak. ing Pluperfect Past Tense. Msq akb,a at I had spoken hsà akhya at We had spoken Tub lkhyã it Thou hadat Tusàb lkhyâ a! You had spoken spoken Us akhyà at He had spoken lad akhyI it They had spoken Future Tense. Maq khangi. I will speak Asi akhange We will speak Tub i&heng* Thou wilt Tusi ãkhoge You will speak speak o llchega He will speak 0 Ikhange They will speak Imperative MooL Tu# 1kb or akh Speak thou Tusi kkho Speak you Subjunctive Mood. Present Tense. Maib lkhkij I niay speak Aid bkhiye We way speak Tü Ikhe Thou mayst speak Tusi I kho You may speak o Ikhe He may speak 0 Ikhap They may ipeak Perfect Pact Tense. Maib Iklsdk or I might speak Asi Ikhde We might speak Ikhda Tu3 lkhdo Thou mightest Tusi lIMe You might speak speak They might o 1h*dl He might speak 0 Ikkde speak CONJUGATION OP run VeRB Xebna, To mu.. (Feminine.) Present Tense. Maib keluji l I am telling Asi kehnl A or We are telling kehndiyl Tub kehut e Thou art telling Tusi kehridlyIjo You are telling o kehudl e She is telling 0 kehudlyl ez or They are telling kehndlyit9 Perfect Past Tense. Main ke,ai I told AsIn keai We told Tü keai Thou toldat Tusub keai You told Usne keal She told UnI keal They told Imperfect Past Tense. Maifl kehndt alit I was telling Aid kehndiyl al We were telling Tu kehndl aleg Thouwast telling Tusi kebndiyub You were telling sb,o o kebudl at She was telling 0 kehudiylij th They were telling