Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/96

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house of representatives.

benefit of the poor school fund of the county of Fayette; which was read first time.

Mr. Culberson, from the Committee on Enrolment, reported as duly signed by the President of the Senate, and ready for the signature of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the following act, viz:

An act to amend the ninth Section of the third Article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia; which was presented to and signed by the Speaker.

Mr. Morris, of Franklin, introduced the following bill to reduce the official bond of the Sheriff hereafter to be elected in the county of Franklin, from the sum of twenty thousand dollars to the sum often thousand dollars.

Mr. Pickett, of Gilmer, offered the following resolution:

Resolved. That his Excellency the Governor be authorized and requested to furnish the county of Gilmer with twenty copies of Prince's Digest of the laws of Georgia, and also with twenty copies of Cobb's Analysis of the same, for the use of the officers of said county, and that the same be sent with a copy of the journals and laws of the present session.

Also, a memorial from sundry citizens of Lumpkin to be added to the county of Gilmer; which was not read, but, on motion of Mr. Pickett, was referred to a special committee, consisting of Messrs. Pickett, Riley and Morris.

Mr. Phillips, of Habersham, from the special committee to whom was referred the memorial of sundry citizens from the county of Tattnall, praying the passage of a law authorizing Daniel Sikes to practise physic, reported unfavorably to the prayer of the petitioners, and asked to be discharged from the farther consideration of the subject.

Mr. Griffin, of Hall, introduced a bill for the relief of William Hadaway, of the county of Hall; which was read the first time.

Mr. Lane, of Hancock, introduced a bill to alter and define certain portions of the boundary line between the counties of Taliaferro and Warren, and the counties of Taliaferro and Hancock, and for other purposes theroin specified; which was read the first time.

Mr. Reid, of Harris, introduced a bill to incorporate Hamilton Lodge, No. 16, of Harris county.

Also, a bill to alter and amend the eleventh and thirteenth sections of the sixth division of the penal code; which were severally read the first time.

Mr. Ramsey, of Harris, introduced a bill to protect the people of this State from vexatious prosecutions in cases where grand juries have refused or may hereafter refuse to find true bills; which was read the first time, and referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Clark introduced a bill to alter and amend the first