Page:Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Georgia 1849.djvu/97

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journal of the

paragraph of the seventh section of the first article of the Constitution of this State, and for other purposes therein mentioned, which was read the first lime, and referred to the Judiciary Committee.

Mr. Jones, of Paulding, moved to suspend the calling of the counties, which motion prevailed.

Mr. Jones then moved to suspend the special order of the day, to take up a bill for third reading, appropriating monies therein designated; which motion was agreed to.

The House went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Carlton in the Chair, on the bill contemplated in Mr. Jones' motion, which was to appropriate monies therein designated; and having spent some time therein, the Speaker resumed the Chair, and Mr. Carlton, from the Committee, arose and reported the bill to the House without amendments. The report was agreed to, the bill was read the third time, and passed under the title thereof.

On motion of Mr. Mclntire, the bill to be entitled an act to extend the criminal and civil jurisdiction of this State over a part of the territory in dispute between Florida and Georgia, and to continue the same in force until the question of boundary shall have been settled definitely by or between said States, was read the second time, and made the special order of the day for Monday week, the 2d December next.

On motion of Mr. Jones,

The House adjourned until 3 o'clock, P.M.

Three o'clock, p.m.

The House met pursuant to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Nisbet, Mr. Perkins was added to the special committee on the memorial of John D. Gray & Company.

The following bills from the Senate were severally read the second time, and committed for the third reading:

A bill to grant and confirm the title of Peter Poullet, a naturalized citizen, to a lot of land in the city of Augusta, conveyed to him before his naturalization.

Also, a bill to amend the road laws and open a new road in Camden county, and for other purposes.

Also, a bill to amend the several acts in relation to the Georgia Railroad and Banking Company.

Also, a bill to designate the holidays to be observed in the acceptance and payment of bills of exchange and promissory notes, and to allow three days, commonly called days of grace, for the payment within said time of all sight drafts and bills of exchange drawn payable at sight.