Page:Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 1 (2nd edition).djvu/293

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African Association, Union of with the Royal Geographical Society, 257

Aitkins' Rock, (Vigia, so called,) 518.

Arracan, Remarks on the Coast of, 1759—Rise of Tide on, 176—Population, Markets,—Manners, &c., 177.

Atlas, range of, 139, 14850.

Barrow Island, 200.

Black Sea, Memoir on the Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde in, 10122.

Beethey, Captain F. W., Analysis of his Voyage to the Pacific, &c. 193222—Topographical results of, 193210—Hydographiosl ditto, 210—Meteorological, 2113—Magnetical, 215—Physical Geography, 21520—Fossil Looms, 221.

Behring's Straits, 2047.

Bonin Islands, 209.

Boossa, 180.

Bow Island, 201.

Cairo, Account of Operations to find Water in the Desert between and Suez, 252.

Carysfoot Island, 200.

Cookburn Sound, 89—Island, 201.

Cocos, or Keeling Islands, 669.

Columbretes Islands, 5862.

Coodoonia River, 185.

Damuggoo, 187.

Danube, 120.

Deception Island, 626.

Diomede Islands, 203.

Easter Island, 195.

Eboe, 189.

Egga, 185.

Egmont Island, 200.

Funda, 186.

Gambier Islands, 197.

Gloucester Island, 201.

Greenland, Account of Danish Discoveries on the East Coast of, 24752.

Hyderabad, 2278.

Indus, Course and Navigation of, 22931.

Irtysh, supposed Source of in Khoten, 246.

Kamschatka, 203.

Keeling Islands (Cocos), 669.

Khoten, Notice on by Mr. Moorcroft, 23547—Cities of, 236—Soil and Climate, 238—Inhabitants, 239—Zoology, 240—Productions and Manufactures, 241—Coin, 241—Trade, 242—Rivers, 244.