Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/132

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March 3.

An act to amend the act entitled "an act to establish circuit courts in certain counties, and to define their powers and duties."

An act to establish branches of the Bank of Michigan, the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan, and the Bank of River Raisin.

An act to amend the act entitled "an act relative to the privileges and duties of townships.

An act for the relief of Hiram Wilmarth.

Mr. Martin from the committee on the judiciary, to whom was referred the resolution of the 25th ultimo, instructing them to report the titles of certain laws not published in the pamphlets of 1833, and directing that said acts be appended to the pamphlet laws of 1834, made a report thereon.

On motion of Mr. Bacon, the said report was recommitted to the committee on the judiciary, with instructions to report such acts as, in their opinion, should be published and appended to the pamphlet acts of 1834.

Mr. Britain, on leave granted, introduced

A bill to extend the charter of the Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Michigan.

The bill being read the first and second time,

Mr. Renwick moved its rejection.

And, after debate, the question on the said motion was taken by yeas and nays, and decided in the negative, as follows:

Yeas: Messrs. Doty, Martin, Millington, Moran, Renwick, Satterlee—6.

Nays: Messrs. Bacon, Britain, Durocher, Hascall, Stockton, M'Donell, president—6.

On motion of Mr. Martin, the bill was referred to a select committee. Messrs. Martin, Hascall and Bacon were appointed the said committee. The following bills were read a second time by their titles:

A bill to extend the time for laying out territorial roads, and for other purposes.

A bill to incorporate the Wiskonsin Canal Company.

A bill to provide for laying out several territorial roads.

A bill to amend an act to regulate taverns, approved April 23, 1833.

The engrossed bill to organize certain townships being taken up, it was, on motion of Mr. Britain, laid on the table.

The Council, in committee of the whole, considered the bill relative to the county of Shiawasse, with the report of the committee on territorial affairs, proposing to strike out all the bill after the enacting clause; and, having risen, reported the bill with all after the enacting clause striken out.