Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/17

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Jan. 9–10.]

of the Governor were ordered to be printed in the English language for the use of the Council.

On motion of Mr. Durocher, one hundred and fifty copies of the same were ordered to be printed in the French language.

On motion of Mr. Stockton, a committee of three members was appointed to prepare rules for the government of the Council.

Mr. Stockton, Mr. Durocher, Mr. Renwick were appointed the committee.

On motion of Mr. Farnsworth,

The Council adjourned till tomorrow, at eleven o'clock, A. M.

Thursday, January 9, 1834.

Mr. Moran, a member from the first district, composed of the county of Wayne, presented a certificate from the Governor of the Territory, that he had this day taken the oath of office before him.

Mr. Stockton, from the committee appointed to prepare rules for the government of the Council, made a report; which being read,

On motion of Mr. Doty, the report was laid on the table, and fifty copies ordered to be be printed.

On motion of Mr. Durocher,

Resolved, That the Secretary of the Territory be directed to furnish, for the use of the library, fifty copies of the revised laws, and fifty copies of the private and incorporation acts.

On motion of Mr. Hascall,

Resolved, That each member of the Council be at liberty to order any number of newspapers not exceeding twelve.

Mr. Durocher moved that the Council adjourn to eleven o'clock tomorrow morning.

Mr. Martin moved to amend the motion, so that when the Council adjourned, it should adjourn to Monday morning, eleven o'clock.

The Council having rejected the motion to amend, the original motion was put and adopted;

And the Council adjourned till tomorrow morning eleven o'clock.

Friday, January 10, 1834.

Mr. Stockton presented a petition from sundry inhabitants of township number two north, range twelve east, in the county of Macomb, praying that the said township may be separated from township three, to which it is at present attached; and that it may be incorporated into a town by the name of Bloomfield, with the powers, liberties and immunities provided by the statute in such cases.

The petition was laid on the table.

On motion of Mr. Moran,

Resolved, That the President of the Council be requested to invite the clergymen of this city, to attend at the opening of the Council, each week, alternately, during the present session.