Page:Journal of the Sixth Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan.djvu/18

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[Jan. 13.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the Council adjourned to Monday, ten o’clock, A. M.

Monday, January 13,1834.

Calvin Britain, from the district composed of the counties of Cass, St. Joseph, Brown and Kalamazoo, and the country attached thereto, appeared, produced his credentials, and took his seat as the member of the Legislative Council for the sixth district. Mr. Britain also presented a certificate from the Governor, that he had this day been sworn before him, according to law, as a member of the present Legislative Council of Michigan.

Mr. Farnsworth laid on the table a petition from the inhabitants of the south township of Plymouth, in Wayne county, praying for the organization of a new township by the name of Canton, bounded and described as number two south of range eight east.

On motion of Mr. Britain, the Council proceeded to the consideration of the report of the committee appointed to prepare rules for the government of the Council.

On motion of Mr. Millington, the first rule was amended so as to limit the term of service of the President of the Legislative Council to one session, and to authorize the Council, in the absence of the president, to appoint a president pro tempore.

On motion of Mr. Hascall, the twenty-eighth rule was amended so as to authorize the appointment of "a messenger and assistant messenger."

On motion of Mr. Martin, the report of the committee, as amended, was adopted, as follows:

I. The Legislative Council shall choose by ballot one of their own number to occupy the chair. He shall be styled President of the Legislative Council. He shall hold his office during one session of the Council. He shall take the Chair at the hour to which the Council is adjourned, and call the members to order; and, if a quorum be present, he shall direct the minutes of the pre¬ ceding day to be read, and mistakes, if any, corrected. He shall preserve order and decorum, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council. In committee of the whole he shall call some member to the chair, and may debate any question before the committee; but such substitution shall not extend beyond an adjournment. He shall, unless otherwise directed by the Council, appoint all committees. He shall vote on a call of the yeas and nays. In the absence of the President the Council shall appoint a president pro tem.

II. Any member may have a call of the Council, and have absent members sent for.

III. All questions shall be put in this form: "You who are of the opinion (as the case may be) say, Aye." "Those of the contrary opinion, say No;" and in doubtful cases any member may call for a division.