Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait121878roya).pdf/179

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of this journey was, it is believed, entirely due to the Society. Other explorations of equal consequence have been made in the interior of the Kinta District (Pêrak) by Mr. Leech, and across the watershed that separates Pahang and Kělantan by Mr. M. Maclay. These journeys, though executed under other influences, have been made more generally useful, and have been brought to serve our purpose, by obtaining compass bearings and itineraries of the newly explored districts for publication and record.

With regard to the question of publishing either a new or a supplementary Dictionary, a paper has recently been read before the Society, which will be found in the ensuing number of the Journal. Other communications on the subject have also been under the Council's consideration from two independent sources.

As to the forthcoming number of the Society's Journal (December 1878), the material is already in the printer's hands, and the printing of it is well advanced. and should be completed in a few weeks.

It only remains for the Council to take this opportunity of thanking the numerous contributors who have responded to their invitation; and to express their acknowledgements to the local and other journals for their ready co-operation in bringing the Society's proceedings to the notice of the public.

The Hon. Treasurer's Report.

The list of Members of the Society, handed to me for the collection of the subscriptions, included 155 names, exclusive of those of four Honorary Members; but of these, two were subsequently withdrawn as having been entered through some misapprehension, the number of the subscribing members being thus reduced to 153.

On the 1st December, the whole of the subscriptions had been paid with the exception of 16, of which four have since been paid; eight are likely to be paid shortly; and four may be considered as withdrawn.

Annexed is an abstract of the cash account of the year, from which it will be seen that the Receipts amounted to $827.50 and the payments to $517.98, the transactions resulting in a balance to the credit of the Society of $309.52. The subscriptions for 1878, to be received in 1879, amounted to $72; but on the other hand one subscription, $6, was paid in 1878 in advance for 1879; and there were bills for 1878 outstanding at the end of the year to the amount of $41.60.