Page:Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (IA journalofstrait121878roya).pdf/180

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The general result is shewn by the annexed statement of Assets and Liabilities, from which it will be seen that the net balance to the credit of the Society at the close of the year was $333.92.

This appears to be as satisfactory a position as could have been anticipated, but it must be borne in mind that it results from the fact that the Society, while it has received the subscriptions for the entire year, has only issued one number of the Journal, instead of the two numbers, which it is pro- posed to issue yearly in future.

The cost of the publication of the number of the Journal for July did not much fall short of $400; and though the cost of the subsequent numbers is likely to be less consider- able, the publication of the two numbers must be expected to absorb a very considerable proportion of the income of the Society, which does not appear likely much to exceed $900 a year.

Straits Asiatic Society.

Cash account 1878.

$ C
Sub'tions for 1878 817 50
Sub'tionsdo. for 1879 6
Sale of Journal 1
827 50
$ C.
Publication of Journal. 356
Photographs 12 50
Lithographs 6 50
Printing Notices &c. 26 50
Advertisements 10 52
Allowance to Clerk 60
Gas 7
Postage 26 59
Stationery 6 62
Miscellaneous 6 75
517 98
Balance 309 52
827 50

Assets and Liabilities

1st January, 1879.

$ C.
Balance Chartered Mercantile Bank 297 52
Balance Cash 12 00
Subscriptions 1878 outstanding 72
$ C.
Bills outstanding Pub. of Journal (final) 25
Sundries for December 16 60
Subscription for 1879 in advance 6
Balance to credit 333.92