Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/304

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In the afternoon of the third, the Tsog-chen Shalnyo of Dabung assumes the government of Lhasa for the next month and a half, previously informing the police magistrates of the fact, and henceforth all authority, even that of the Kalon, as far as the city is concerned, is vested in him alone.[1]

  1. Cf. lama Ugyen-gyatso's account of the Shalnyo's rule in 'Report on explor. from 1856 to 1888,' p. 32. Also A. K., op. cit., p. 33; and Huc, op. cit., ii. 380. He calls this rule of the Shalnyo, the "Lha-ssa Morou," but he says it only lasts six days; but all other authorities agree in saying that the rule of the city is turned over to the Dabung lama for a month.—(W. R.)

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