Page:Journey to Lhasa and Central Tibet.djvu/305

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Absolution to deceased official, 106.

Acharya Ami, his Svarasvat Vyakarana, 112.

Ailurus ochraceus in Sikkim, 2.

Allowance, for officials travelling, 51, 52; to monks, 79.

Almanac, preparation of, 113.

Altan Khan, first uses the name Dalai lama, 172.

Altars in front of houses in Lhasa, 148.

Amban, the senior and junior, 48; trouble of junior with Tibetan authorities, 48, 50–52; inspections by, 50; expenses for, 51; in procession, 61; goes to Lhasa, 63; his power in Tibet, 178; exactions of, 179; his salary, 180; disliked by Tibetans, 181; author meets him on road, 236.

Amchi, or physician, 41, 55;at Samding gomba, 131; lhamo dancers, 217.

Amdo, province of, 64, 156, 196.

Amolonkha, a sacred rock, 152.

Ani, or nun, 25, 29; meaning concubine, 48.

Animals, not allowed to be killed, 43, 76, 83.

Antelope, in Sikkim, 2.

Apricots, 7; dried, 139.

Aprons of women, 157.

Archery, 202, 260.

Arms, of soldiers, 180.

Army, force of, 180; how recruited, 180.

Arun valley, inhabitants of, 3; river, 38, 39, 42; source of river, 242; upper course, 243. See Che-chu.

Aspergill, used in religious ceremonies, 137.

Asses, wild, 42, 244.

Astrologer making almanac, 113; at funerals, 252, 253.

Atisha, died at Netang, 145; at Samye, 222.

Aton la, 238.

Bachelor of theology, 91.

Bad luck, signs of, 265.

Balpo, or Nepalese, 68.

Bangle worn by women, reason for, 157.

Bangye-shag, residence of Phala, 85; 149, 150, 161.

Banquet, to Tibetan general, 81, 82.

Barat, feast thus called, 59.

Bardo, period between death and regeneration, 140, 255.

Bardon, a district of Khams, 197.

Barley, near Lhasa, 145.

Bathing, house, 102; after summer retirement, 214.

Bears, 2, 14.

Beehives, 15.

Beggars, at Shigatse, 47; alms distributed to, 64, 68, 106; at Lhasa, 156; dancing, 265.

Behor, temple of, 224.

Bellows, 30.

Belung, hamlet of, 74.

Bhutan. See Dugpa.

Birthplace of Tibetans, 229.

Black Court of Lhasa, 174.

Black-water mysteries of Bonbo, 206.

Blessing, 57, 95, 109.

Boats, of skin, 140, 143.

Bogto la, 16, 18.

Bonbo sect, 205; their deities, 205; high priest, 206; mysteries, 206; lamas, 207, 208; moral rules governing them, 208; tenets of their faith, 215.